Follows a matchmaker who believes marriage is for everyone except herself, and a successful divorce lawyer with a secret, who cross paths, and explores if opposites coexist or attract.
Nirali Vora is an earnest marriage counselor who plays matchmaker for others, but doesn't have a boyfriend of her own. She is appalled to find her new shared office space is next Kosty Chougule, a cynical divorce lawyer, who tells her to send her clients over to him. When plan A fails, there's plan B. Their opposing temperaments immediately clash, but they also can't help but feel an attraction for each other.—L. Hamre
Nirali's (Tamannaah) Mother Kiran (Poonam Dhillon) is a matchmaker (and runs a company called Unique Matrimony), and Nirali helps her in the business by handling the logistics of the weddings. On one of her arranged marriages, Nirali's mother announces her retirement and hands over the business to Nirali. She also tells Nirali that she has already booked a shared working space and paid for it for a year.
On the day she moves in, she finds out that her office is right next to the office of Kaustubh 'Kosty' Chogule (Riteish Deshmukh), a divorce lawyer. Kosty has massive OCD. He believes marriage is punishment, while Nirali believes that it is pious to bring people together.
In court, Kosty will use any excuse to get the judge to grant the divorce. He will claim incompatibility on the basis of different language, culture, states, food preferences, and so on. But secretly he does believe that if couples spend time and energy on learning about each other, instead of fighting, then the issue will never reach to the stage of a divorce.
Serena (Heli Vyas) is Kosty's EA. Kosty approaches Nirali on her first day with his business cards and wants her to share those with her clients for an 8% commission. Nirali is disgusted that Kosty believes 75% of marriages end in divorce. Kosty ups his commission offer to 10% and Nirali asks him to leave her office.Kosty and Nirali keep having fights over petty issues in their common work-space (Like when Nirali eats pickles in her cabin which stinks the entire shared working space, Kosty would not hold the lift door for Nirali, Kosty loves dancing, but Nirali never dances and Kosty's objection to Nirali's chants of "Long Live Love").
Nirali tries to get even incompatible people to get married, while Kosty gets perfectly compatible people to get divorced. One couple tells Nirali that they have been on 3 dates have no common interests, and yet Nirali continues to push them to be together.
Kosty was with a girl Runjhun (Bidita Bag) before (who is now sleeping with her boss and Kosty avoids meeting her), and Nirali was with a guy named Varun (for many years and even lived with him for 3 years) and can't seem to date any other guy as everything about dates reminds Nirali of Varun. Varun left her one day all of a sudden. Both have broken relationships. Girish and Preeti (Dilshad Patel) are Kosty's best friends.
Kosty hurts Nirali's feelings when he suggests to Serena that she will never be in a relationship and Nirali overhears the conversation. Kosty says that if Nirali ever has a boyfriend, he will kill himself.
Runjhun comes to Kosty's office, and he runs away. Nirali meets her and finds that Runjhun is Kosty's wife and is trying hard to divorce him, but Kosty keeps avoiding her. Runjhun says that Kosty has been stalling the divorce for 4 years. Nirali speaks to Runjhun and finds out about Kosty's OCD. Kosty cooks at home, and wants things in a perfect way, his own way. Kosty will not allow anyone to help with his cooking either and makes amazing food.
Kosty was a partner in Mumbai's biggest law firm Nair & Nair but left the job when he was asked to lie in court about domestic abuse for a rich client's daughter to get her a divorce. He was a romantic at heart and is an amazing dancer. Nirali thinks Kosty is perfect for her. But Kosty tells Nirali to mind her own business.
Nirali gets drunk and rants at Kosty over the phone, which Preeti hears. She says he is a coward who can't confront his own divorce while he divorces dozens of couples every month. Nirali makes Kosty understand that life is not perfect. If people are the same, then no-one learns from one another.Kiran visits the office and Kosty befriends her. She invites the entire office to her birthday party. Kosty and Nirali are still at each other's throats publicly. Kiran sees this and tells Nirali that she invited Kosty as she saw the chemistry between them.
Kosty teaches a dance number to Kiran and her friends for her 60th Birthday bash. Kosty finds out from Nirali's friend Kabeer that Varun had died a year ago. Meanwhile Girish meets Nirali and tells her about Kosty that he is still pining for Runjhun, while she has moved on. He begs Nirali to set Kosty up with a girl.Kosty and Nirali are in office on a Sunday. Kosty helps Nirali try out her new couple's compatibility test. The result suggests a 35% compatibility. Kosty believes that the test is a hoax and ends up kissing Nirali. They are about to have sex with Kosty realizes that he is still married. They decide to meet in a hotel the next day.
But from that point on Kosty has his phone switched off. He is not seen for a few days and even Kiran is worried as her birthday is coming up. Nirali feels that Kosty lost interest in her and is now avoiding her. Kosty returns after 4 days to attend Kiran's birthday party. Nirali is heartbroken to find that Kosty had gone to visit Runjhun. Nirali thinks Kosty and Runjhun are back together. Kosty clarifies that he had divorced Runjhun and that's what took 4 days. He proposes to Nirali.