This is the special footage that was specifically made for the American 'Robotech the Movie' and was released only in Japan alongside with the Harmony Gold Megazone 23 Part II dub, it was released in Japan with English narration and Japanese subtitles (although there is also a version without the narration as well).
In outer space, the sun is shown bright then it shows the Earth being shown. (A narrator narrates what has happened in the Megazone world in English and there is Japanese subtitles for Japanese viewers), a new scene starts as Yui Takanaka (Becky Michaels in the Robotech movie) is shown at her apartment. Mai Yumekano (Stacy Embry in the Robotech movie) is shown in her car driving away, now, two men are shown driving in a car and Major BD appears. At the airport, Eigen Yumekano (Daryl Embrey in the Robotech movie) boards the airplane and the Computer spots him. The Garland destroyed after the battle with BD, lays on the ground, with Shogo Yahagi (Mark Landry in the Robotech movie), EVE appears on the system monitor, naked covering her breasts, Shogo awakens; weak from the attack. EVE shows Shogo that there will be an attack at the airport and she shows him on the monitor what is going on, guards are shown in hiding as they plan their attack. Shogo pushes a few buttons on the Garland and grabs a white headband with blood on it. He turns off the system monitor and EVE disappears on the screen. He opens up the hatch to the top of the Garland and slowly climbs out of the cockpit, his knee a bloody mess. Shogo tries to get up off the ground and leans against the Garland for support. He stands up and wipes the blood off his forehead with the headband. He wraps the headband around his head. Flashbacks are shown from earlier as Shogo walks towards the airplane hanger. Eigen Yumekano is no in the airplane and looks at his watch An array of military vehicles are shown. Shogo continues walking in the airplane hanger as a guard is shown trying to light his cigarette, it then pans over to another guard and Shogo grabs him from behind and puts him in a headlock and breaks his neck. Shogo sees another guard and tackles him. The guard falls over backwards and Shogo punches him in the face, making his nose bleed. Shogo sees another guard from a distance and but runs towards the door. The guard takes out a machine gun and starts firing but Shogo jumps into the door and climbs up the ladder seeing a Garland inside. BD commands the arrival of a tank on his walkie-talkie, which Mai sees. Guards appear on their flying pods. A robot fly's up and fires it's gun into the station, shooting some members and hitting some of the control panel causing it to explode. The military fire back as all out war starts and Eigen Yumekano and Mai looks on shocked. Shogo activates the Garland and EVE appears on screen. An explosion of light appears from the ground a few miles from Yui's apartment and goes into the sky being seen by Yui. Horrified she knows that Shogo is there. The war continues as Mai and Eigen are now out of the car. BD now appears in his Robot as he fires his gun at a on-coming fighter jet, which is actually Shogo. EVE appears on Shogo's fighter jet monitor but Shogo's jet is going down and crashes into the ground. Shogo's now transformed robot fires at BD's robot, the two continue to fight each other as Shogo's robot looses it's hand. Shogo notices that Mai and Eigen are trapped and BD's robot falls over. Yui runs over to Shogo happily and they embrace. Mai and Eigen are shown to be safe.