The hosts take the audience to visit America's National parks as they get up close and personal with nature and explore the beauty of these national treasures.
ROCK THE PARK taps into America's love affair with our national parks. Our hosts, Jack Steward and Colton Smith, have made it their life's mission to explore every national park in this country. In the process, they come face to face with nature and push their physical limits as they go off the beaten path to discover some of the most awe-inspiring places on earth. The series is designed to inspire other Americans to seek adventure in the national parks.—colleen needles steward
Host Jack Steward joins Colton Smith to travel to America's greatest treasures --the awe-inspiring national parks-- and to spotlight their beauty and wildlife. The series and its hosts tap into people's love affair with the widely varied natural preserves -- and remind Americans to hit the road and visit the sites for themselves.—Jwelch5742