A paranoid teenage nerd comes to believe that an escaped lunatic may be hiding in the neighborhood Halloween house of horrors, and slowly starts to descend into madness.
Warren, a paranoid teenager goes with some friends, Brad, Shelley, and Barbara, to their town's haunted house on Halloween night. As they wait in line, Warren becomes increasingly uncomfortable with his surroundings. Little did these teens know that the infamous killer, John Louis Barker, is on the loose. What would have been a fun night suddenly turns sinister when Warren believes he is stuck in the haunted house to face Barker alone. Warren attempts to escape the maze, with his life and sanity intact.—Sierra Snow
Warren, a paranoid teenager goes with some friends, Brad, Shelley, and Barbara, to their town's haunted house on Halloween night. As they wait in line, Warren becomes increasingly uncomfortable with his surroundings. Little did these teens know that the infamous killer, John Louis Barker, is on the loose. What would have been a fun night suddenly turns sinister when Warren believes he is stuck in the haunted house alone - with Barker. Warren attempts to escape the maze, which is making him slowly descent into madness.
The movie begins with Warren waking from a nightmare. The dream left him rattled and paranoid for the rest of the night.
We turn to the town Sheriff preparing the town's haunted house, which is a popular town attraction. The haunted house is a complicated and well-decorated maze. Sheriff Briggs converses with Jerry (who is running the haunted house) about the upcoming election.
The film introduces the "lunatic" killer John Louis Barker while he is being transported. He stares menacingly into the camera.
We pan back to Warren, who has been dragged to the haunted house by his friend, Brad. Brad meets up with his girlfriend, Shelley. Shelley introduces Warren to her friend Barbara. Shelley and Brad are obviously trying to set Warren up with Barbara. Warren is instantly smitten by Barbara but, struggles to make conversation with her. Barbara comments on not wearing her glasses as a part of her costume, to which Warren responds: "Oh, you wear glasses? My mother wears glasses." He is laughed at by Brad, Barbara, Shelley, and a random stranger. As the teens wait in line to enter the haunted house, Warren becomes increasingly paranoid.
The film pans back to Barker being transported. While en route, the driver notices a cow on the road. The driver swerves to avoid hitting the cow, but he ends up going off the road and crashing.
The film goes back and forth between Warren waiting in line to enter the haunted house and the Barker situation. Warren starts to become agitated by screaming people exiting the house, the laughing man, his watch constantly beeping, other's costumes, and not leaving a good impression on Barbara. Everything is overstimulating for Warren.
At one point, the film turns to a farmer, Basil, who finds the crashed transport car. He finds the driver unconscious and badly battered near the car. It is apparent that John Louis Barker has escaped and is now on the loose.
We turn back to Warren and Barbara waiting in line. A group of boys approach Barbara. Barbara nervously chuckles, because she knows one of the members, JJ. He grabs her hand and offers to get her further up in the line. Barbara refuses, but JJ does not want to take no for an answer. Warren tells JJ to leave her alone. JJ and Warren exchange words before JJ stabs Warren with a fake knife. Warren believes he has been actually stabbed, and panics. JJ reveals the knife is a prop knife before he and his group go off laughing. Warren feels humiliated while Barbara and the laughing man laugh at him once again. Eventually, Warren goes to use the bathroom. While he is waiting for his turn, he overhears from the Sheriff's car radio that Barker is on the loose. He returns to his friends and gives them the news. Brad thinks Warren is simply paranoid, and they brush off his comment.
Warren and his friends eventually come up to the front of the line and then enter the haunted house. While in the house, Brad scares Warren and Barbara. Warren instinctively pushes Barbara out of the way, and she ends up pinned up against the wall. Warren goes to kiss Barbara but misses her lips. She yawns and continues through the haunted house. Warren follows after but eventually loses sight of his friends.
We then follow JJ's gang, who make fun of the haunted house all the way through. They go to the control room and say a prank message over the intercom. While they are in the office, they accidentally damage the master light switch wires.
The movie turns to Jerry and Sheriff Briggs talking. The Sheriff divulges that Barker has escaped and that the police are looking for him.
We pan back to Warren, who is still trying to find his friends. His paranoia begins to get the better of him as he wanders aimlessly through the haunted house. He sees a cloaked and masked figure, holding a scythe. The figure begins chasing him through the haunted house. He eventually falls and knocks over some candles. The figure catches up but slips on the hot wax. Warren jumps up, grabs the scythe, and cuts off the figure's hand. Warren screams and runs off, deeper into the haunted house. He finds a group and tells them that he saw Baker in the haunted house. One member makes fun of him, and a staff member tells Warren he will have to take Warren out of the haunted house. Warren happily agrees, as he is anxious to leave. Suddenly, an announcement from Jerry sounds over the intercom. He advises all staff and persons currently in the haunted house to immediately go to the nearest exits and leave. Warren exclaims "I told you!" before everyone attempts to leave the haunted house. People begin running out of the haunted house, screaming. The police arrive and help scare workers to help people exit the haunted house.
Warren and his group pass over a bridge in the haunted house with rattlesnakes at the bottom. Warren hesitates to cross because of the height and the snakes. He ends up slipping through the bridge side and struggles to hang onto the bridge. Jerry's son, Billy, attempts to help Warren, but other people push him out of the way. Warren falls and panics, trying to avoid the snakes. He laughs manically when he realizes the snakes are only animatronics.
We pan back to Brad and Shelley, who are trying to alert the police that Warren is still in the haunted house. They approach a man dressed in a police costume, thinking he is a real police officer. Brad jokes that he knew that, and they go to find a real police officer.
We go back to the haunted house. It is hinted that another person has entered the haunted house, and is now roaming its halls. Billy returns to Warren and helps him out of the snake pit. They go through the haunted house and attempt to leave. They hear noises and begin running through the maze. Warren grabs a leg bone to defend themselves, but Warren loses sight of Billy. Warren panics, as he is left alone once again in the maze. He cries for help while he bashes the fake hanging dead bodies with the leg bone. Warren hears Barker approaching and attempts to outrun him. He enters a room and attempts to barricade the door before running again. While running, he runs into a box and injures his knee. He rubs his knee on the floor in pain, when he hears Barker approaching. He grabs a prop chainsaw and attempts to turn it on. He is unsuccessful and eventually uses the chainsaw as a bludgeon to hit the intruder through a curtain. When he turns back the curtain, he realizes he knocked out one of the people searching for Barker, and not Barker. He grabs the man's shotgun and runs through the maze.
Warren realizes Barker is still with him in the maze. He eventually found a room with a tall table in it. He realizes it is tall enough for him to reach the aluminum roof, so he climbs on top of it. He uses the shotgun to lift the metal sheet and climb on the roof. He tries to crawl on the roof to safety but, falls back into the maze.
The haunted house ambiance noises scare him, and he shoots off a round from the shotgun. The recoil causes him to stumble, and drop his shotgun into a prop burial hole. However, he hit the wall with his shot and can see the outside through the hole. He attempts to call for help, but he is only heard by Barker.
Barker slowly makes his way to Warren. Warren sits down in the maze, feeling defeated. He hears the police call into the maze over a megaphone, directing Baker to exit the maze. Warren checks the prop coffin next to him to make sure Barker is not there. He is relieved to find it empty. He then notices a figure standing in the shadow of the doorway. He runs to the hole his shotgun fell into and grabs it. He pants as he points the shotgun up in fear. The figure leans over, into the prop hole, and Warren shoots. He is able to escape the hole and finally exits the haunted house, screaming.
The police are waiting outside with their guns pointed at the door. Deputy Marvin Taylor approaches Warren and asks Warren if Barker shot him. Warren shakes his head. Deputy Taylor is surprised, he then asks Warren if he shot Barker. Warren smiles after realizing he did, and nods. Taylor leads Warren through the crowd, reassuring him everything will be alright. Brad and Shelley ask Warren what happened, but Taylor continues to lead Warren to his cop car. The police enter the haunted house to find Barker's corpse.
Taylor asks Warren some questions about what happened, and Warren admits to cutting off Barker's hand and shooting him. Taylor realizes something doesn't sound right, and he goes off to the ambulance. While there, he checks on a scare actor named Otto. He realizes that Warren cut off Otto's hand, not Barker's. It is also revealed that Barker was never at the haunted house, but rather picking flowers near a gas station. Warren simply assumed Barker was in the haunted house with him. Barker offers flowers to the police before he is taken away.
The officers in the haunted house realized that Sheriff Briggs had been shot and killed by Warren. Taylor returns to Warren and tells him the news. Warren repeats the same phrase in response "He just kept coming, and coming. And coming." Taylor informs Warren that he is under arrest, to which Warren responds "That's okay." Barbara, Brad, and Shelley watch in horror as Warren is being arrested. Warren is taken off.
Haunted house-goers begin writing "I SURVIVED" on the House of Horrors merch shirts. People laugh and begin buying the shirts. The laughing man laughs once again, before we turn to Warren sitting in the back of the police car. He begins to smile twistedly as he stares into the camera. He imagines a sinister voice saying his name, and his expression turns to horror. He begins shaking and whimpering as he has flashbacks to the haunted house. He laughs and cries manically. The movie pans to the haunted house and twisted laughter can be heard before the screen turns to black. Barbara's words from earlier about Halloween play shortly before the credits roll.