The story of two police officers Thornley and Palmer who go undercover in a women's prison. One posing as a prison officer, the other as a in-mate in HMP Bowman. The purpose of the operation to gain information from Dorothy Webster (Dolly) on the sex trafficking of young girls. David Webster ( Dolly's Husband) has his connections and dealings with local councils and private investors. Thornley and Palmer soon come into conflict with Officer Harvey, who plans to expose them. It's not long before all involved begin to "screw over" for personal gain.—Billy Belford
Detective Constable Hill enlists two police officers ( Palmer and Thornley ) to investigate on a Sex Trafficking case. Dolly and David Webster are accused of trafficking and Dolly is placed in custody at HMP Bowman. Palmer goes undercover to befriend Dolly and relay information back to DCI Hill. Senior prison Officer Harvey, discovers Thornley's identity and attempts to blackmail him. Prisoner May Bruce becomes involved. The plot thickens when Dolly Webster is found dead. DCI Hill is arrested by Special Operations and sentenced in court. May Bruce is released and discovers DCI Hill has escaped and a reward is on offer. She pursues him for the bounty leading to a dramatic climax and the death of one of the police officers - Will it be Palmer or Thornley? Does May Bruce catch up with Hill?—Billy Belford