An adventurer searchers for hidden treasure in the Peruvian jungles.
An Inca legend says the Inca Empire was destroyed by the gods when a gold and jeweled starburst was stolen from the Temple of the Sun centuries ago, and the ancient civilization will spring anew when the treasure is returned. The natives want it but so does Harry Steele, an American adventurer of slightly shady ways who wants it for personal gain, as does his adversary, a grizzled old man even more into skulduggery than Steele. The latter teams up with Elena Antonescu, an Iron Curtain refugee fleeing from the MKVD. She can help him get a plane and he can help her escape Peru for the relative safety of Mexico?... Is there a chance they will end up in a bickering love-hate relationship?... Is there a chance an American archaeologist, Dr. Stanley Moorehead, will come along as one corner of a romantic triangle?... Is there a chance that Yma Sumac (billed third on the posters and ads and special billing in the film), who can't act but can sing, will sing a few songs?... Is there a chance that these trite-sounding questions will develop into a film that is far from trite and vastly entertaining? Dang right, there is. Check it out.—Les Adams <[email protected]>