The true story of the biggest fraud in publishing history - the Hitler diaries.
In 1981, Gerd Heidemann, a bloodhound reporter for the German magazine Stern, believes he has stumbled onto the greatest literary find of the century: the personal diaries of Adolf Hitler. Shrouded in secrecy, Heidemann and the men of Stern attempt to pull off the greatest scoop in publishing history, blinded by their greed to the fact that the diaries are, in fact, crude forgeries. A true story.—Ben Evans <[email protected]>
Dramatisation of the true story of Konrad Fischer, an East German who fooled the world (including the UK's "The Times" newspaper, Germany's "Stern" magazine and eminent historian Hugh Trevor-Roper) when he produced what he claimed were the war-time diaries of Adolf Hitler, but which were in fact his own forgeries.—Martin Underwood {[email protected]}