An unhappy couple watch as their daughter throws herself at an older man because he is a sophisticated artist. The daughter doesn't know that her aunt is the man's lover. At a weekend retreat, everything comes to a head when the mother plans to run off with the artist while a young man pursues the daughter.—Ed Lorusso
Wacky and enjoyable farce with a light-hearted take on being young and growing older while trying to make it all work out. Grouchy and anti social mature man (Lionel Barrymore) with a younger and more carefree but miserable wife (Alice Brady) welcome her old friend (Conway Tearle) for a reunion of types. Along for the ride is the naïve but blossoming daughter (Mary Carlisle) who is anxious for love and worldliness. Her mother's snarky sister (Katharine Alexander) is there as well along with her own expectations. Comedic and heart-felt moments arise as the stories unveils.