A psychiatrist and nurse overthrow the abusive heads of a girls' reform school in order to teach the unfortunate young women that they have a chance at healthy lives.
Idealistic and naive Dr. Jason arrives at a school for delinquent girls and immediately begins to try to make a difference in the lives of some of the inmates. Oblivious to the sadistic treatment of the girls by the matrons, it takes a rebellious girl named Loretta to open his eyes. Assisted by a female staff member, Jason finally gets proof of the abuse and threatens the head of the school with exposure unless he is given free rein to run things.—Ron Kerrigan <[email protected]>
Troubled, young girls serving time in a reform school quickly realize after arriving, they are now in a world run by a militant tyrant who will go to any lengths to keep her "prison" in line. When a psychoanalyst begins investigating the cruel nature of his colleagues, he finds slave-driving, unimaginable punishments, and brutality. With the help of a female coworker he strives to make drastic changes within this hostile institution, by using kindness, reason, and influence.