When Stan Marsh and his friends go see an R-rated movie, they start cursing and their parents think that Canada is to blame.
When four boys in South Park Stan Marsh, Kyle and his stepbrother Ike Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick sees an R-rated movie featuring Canadians "Terrance & Phillip: Asses of Fire", they are pronounced "corrupted", and Kyle's mom Sheila with the rest of the parents pressure the United States to wage war against Canada for World War 3! It's all up to Stan, Kyle and Cartman to save Terrence and Phillip before Satan and his lover Saddam Hussein from Hell rules the world and it'll be the end of the whole world.—Anthony Pereyra {[email protected]}
When Stan invites Kyle, Kyle's brother Ike, Cartman and Kenny to an R-rated movie starring their two favorite comedians, Terrance and Phillip, the boys teach their friends the cuss words they learned from the movie. After getting sent to the counselor's office, Kyle's mother, Sheila, is outraged by the movie, she starts a group that is against Canada. Canada now is at war with the United States, after being discriminated at for far too long. With Terrance and Phillip captured and sentenced to be executed, the boys must try to save the two Canadians in order to stop Satan and Sadam Hussan from ruling the world.—emauger1
Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick see an R rated movie from Canada starring Terrance and Phillip, the quartet's favorite comedians. They suddenly learn obscene phrases from the movie, causing ALL the other children in South Park to see that movie. After discussing the swearing conflict with Mr. Mackey, Shelia Broflovski is against Terrance and Phillip, which suddenly leads to a massive war against the Canadians for corrupting children! The boys must venture out to prevent a serious conflict of the world being ruled by Saddam Hussein and Satan.
Southpark is a quiet and peaceful place until the latest Terrance and Philip movie comes out. Once all the kids see it, all hell breaks loose, as the parents try to find a way to stop their kids from saying all the naughty words coming out of their mouths. The parents blame Terrance and Philip, place them under Citizen's Arrest, and declare war on their home country, Canada. It is up to the kids to save the world from Satan and keep Terrance and Philip from being executed—Anonymous
One morning in South Park, Colorado, Stan Marsh (Trey Parker), Kyle Broflovski (Matt Stone) and his adopted brother Ike (Jesse Howell), Eric Cartman (Trey Parker), and Kenny McCormick (Matt Stone) visit the movie theater to see Terrance and Phillip's new film, Asses of Fire (A Canadian film). Kenny missed church to go to the movie and his mom Carol (Mary Kay Bergman) warned him that he would go to hell for missing church.When they are denied tickets to the R-rated film, the boys pay a homeless man to act as their legal guardian. After watching the film, the boys begin swearing repeatedly. Their friends are impressed and also decide to see the film, except for Wendy Testaburger (Mary Kay Bergman), who becomes acquainted with transfer student Gregory (Trey Parker), to Stan's jealousy (as he has a crush on Wendy.Stan asks Chef Jerome McElroy (Isaac Hayes) about how get a woman to like you.. Chef says that you have to find the clitoris, but then realizes his mistake and wont say anything more.
When the children's parents find out about their swearing (The kids started using the f word at school in front of teachers), they are forbidden from seeing the film again, but do so anyway. The movie gets infamous for destroying Amercian youth, but the Canadian minister for movies says that the movie is R rated, and not intended for kids anyways.As a bet with Cartman, Kenny sets his fart on fire, imitating a scene from the film; he accidentally immolates himself and is rushed to the hospital, where he dies from a botched heart transplant (Dr. Gouache (George Clooney) replaced Kenny's heart with a baked potato). Barred from Heaven, Kenny descends into Hell, wherein he encounters Satan (Trey Parker) and his abusive partner Saddam Hussein (Matt Stone).On Earth, Kyle's mother, Sheila (Mary Kay Bergman), forms the Mothers Against Canada (M.A.C.) movement with other parents. Terrance (Matt Stone) and Phillip (Trey Parker) are arrested as war criminals (when they appear on TV for talk show host Conan O'Brien (Brent Spiner), costarring Brooke Shields (Minnie Driver)); when the United States refuses to release them, Canada bombs the Baldwins (Dave Foley) in retaliation. The US President Bill Clinton (Trey Parker) declares war on Canada and arranges to have Terrance and Phillip executed during a USO show. Sheila is appointed by Bill as the Secretary of Offense. After insulting Sheila, Eric Cartman (who had called her a dirty word for wanting to execute Terrance and Phillip) is implanted with a V-chip, which administers an electric shock whenever he swears. Shelia plans to install the chips in all kids in the USA.
Satan prophesies that the war is a sign of the apocalypse and upon Terrance and Phillip's deaths, he will invade and conquer Earth. After failing to persuade Satan to abandon Saddam (Satan was complaining that Saddam is only interested in sex and doesn't nurture his emotions), Kenny's ghost visits Cartman to warn him. Unable to reason with their mothers, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman form a resistance movement with their classmates to rescue Terrance and Phillip. At Gregory's behest, they recruit the French-accented, Misotheistic Cristophe, nicknamed "the Mole" (Trey Parker) for his covert experience.Kyle later hides Ike in their family's attic as Canadians are sent to internment camps. After they infiltrate the show, Stan and Kyle are tasked with stalling the execution (by getting Big Gay Al to sing songs and do encores), while Cartman attempts to deactivate the alarm (which is really critical to ward off the guard dogs) as the Mole prepares to secure Terrance and Phillip. However, Kenny's ghost reappears before Cartman, frightening him into forgetting his task. The Mole is discovered and fatally mauled by guard dogs.
The remaining boys try to warn their mothers about Satan's prophecy, but are laughed at as the execution commences. The execution is interrupted when Canada launches a surprise attack, resulting in a massive battle between the two armies. Cartman deactivates the electrical switch, allowing Terrance and Phillip to escape; the shock from the switch causes his V-chip to malfunction. Stan chases after them, but is knocked out in an explosion. Members of M.A.C., horrified at what they incited, decide to abandon their cause, with only Sheila remaining committed.
Stan reawakens before a sentient clitoris, who tells him to be self-confident to gain Wendy's affection. Stan leads the others to Terrance and Phillip, whom the US Army have cornered. The children form a human shield as Kyle tries to reason with Sheila, faulting her for scapegoating others for his mistakes. While the soldiers begin to back down, Sheila refuses and shoots Terrance and Phillip dead, fulfilling Satan's prophecy. Saddam usurps Satan and demands that everyone bow to him. When Saddam insults Cartman, the latter's retort releases bolts of energy from his hands. Realizing his power, Cartman engages in profanity-laden tirades to attack Saddam, who continues to verbally abuse Satan. Satan becomes enraged and throws Saddam back into Hell, where he is impaled on a stalagmite.
Grateful for Kenny's support, Satan grants him one wish. Kenny wishes for everything to return to a pre-war state, and parts with his friends before returning to Hell. South Park is restored as the casualties, including Terrance and Phillip, are undone. As Americans and Canadians make peace, Sheila reconciles with Kyle, as does Wendy with Stan. For his sacrifice, Kenny is allowed entry into Heaven.