
Wormy and diminutive, yet cunning and determined small-time hoodlum Squizzy Taylor rises to prominence and popularity in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920's. Squizzy romances brash moll Dolly and works for bookie Henry Stokes before branching out on his own while being hounded by the police and courted by the press the whole time.—Woodyanders


  • man wears eyeglasses
  • woman wears eyeglasses
  • man slaps a woman
  • murdered with a gun
  • murdered in bed
  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Biography
Release date Jul 7, 1982
Countries of origin Australia
Language English
Filming locations Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Production companies Simpson Le Mesurier Films Victorian Film

Box office

Budget $1700000

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 37m
Sound mix Mono
Aspect ratio 1.85 : 1


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