Two months have passed since the deadly game began, and Kirito and Asuna continue to make progress. They stop for treasure, but then they must face Asuna's least favorite monster.
In December 2022, the two lead guilds ALS and DKB, along with a few other players, defeat the 4th floor boss. The two guilds are somewhat at odds with each other over how to complete the game. After, main characters Asuna and Kirito along with side character Argo discuss a New Year's party planned by the two guilds. Asuna and Kirito go to the 5th floor's main town, where they enjoy a special blueberry tart, that also grants the players a special buff. Kirito explains to Asuna that the buff allows them to see special items called relics within the town on the fourth floor, the two are shown looking for the relics as Asuna finds dozens of coins and eventually some accessories and jewelry. Kirito also reveals to Asuna that there are also items in some dungeons and the two venture into one hoping to find some items.
While in an abandoned temple-like dungeon, a powerful ghost like monster spawns that terrifies Asuna and causes her to accidentally trigger a trap door. She ends up falling into an underground network of caverns, during the fall she loses her grip on her rapier that ends up being stolen by a Sly Shrewman. She is forced to equip her old rapier temporarily and intentionally drops a necklace to lure out the monster, which works but it is revealed to be the wrong monster as it did not drop her rapier. Asuna repeats this process until she kills one that drops a crumbled piece of paper. Frustrated she nearly throws away the crumpled paper the monster dropped, until out of curiosity she notices that the paper has details about a meeting, that is taking place in the same caverns she is in. Suspicious, she heads to the location and eavesdrops on two other players who have conceived a plan to destroy the two guilds; the plan includes the guild ALS walking out of the party to kill the 5th floor raid boss, where it had otherwise been a joint effort.
Asuna accidentally makes some noise, but uses the crumbled paper to lure the same Sly Shrewman that took her rapier and is unfortunately killed by them. They receive her chivalric rapier as a drop, luckily that is when Kirito arrives after defeating the monster. Kirito identifies one of the players as Morte a player killer, who he has history with, he asks where he got the rapier as it belonged to Asuna. She takes the opportunity and throws the crumpled paper near them to lure out another Sly Shrewman and screams loud enough to startle them, causing Morte to drop her rapier that is quickly snatched by the Shrewman. Asuna swiftly kills the monster and regains her rapier, as Morte and his partner prepare to fight them, Kirito suddenly grabs Asuna and retreats behind some rocks. A swarm of monsters attracted by her screaming charge at Morte and his partner, forcing them to retreat. Asuna is left shaken and relieved as even though she managed to regain her rapier, she was nearly killed by doing so. Kirito and Asuna share a moment together, where Kirito promises to come find her if they ever get separated again.
A few days later, Asuna and Argo are shown taking a bath together in some hot springs and talking about what happened to Asuna when she was separated from Kirito. Argo offers to get info about Morte and his partner, but Asuna tells her not to as it would be too risky. But to prove herself Argo challenges Asuna to a mock duel with a banana and a bundle of leeks, and Asuna makes a bathing suit for her. The two fight and in the end the duel ends in a draw, with Argo assuring Asuna that she can run when she needs to. After the bath, Kirito and Asuna talk about Morte and his partner and what they were planning. During the conversation, Kirito reveals the existence of player killers within Aincrad and the two they met were actually player killers themselves. They also discuss the negative impact that ALS killing the raid boss would have on the effort to finish the game and then arrange a meeting with two players from ALS and their leader Kibaou, who acknowledges the plan's existence. He reasons that the 5th floor boss has a powerful item that would give his guild the advantage in clearing the floors, but that he was forced into the plan by a faction within his guild. Kirito being a beta tester, reveals the item in question is a guild flag that can buff all the players of a guild using it. The only problem is that only one guild can register themselves on it, meaning that if two guilds are working together the flag will only benefit one of their groups. They decide to form a makeshift raid party to fight the boss and get the item in order to avoid a war between the two guilds. Kibaou discreetly tells them when the ALS is planning on fighting the boss and gives a mixed blessing to Kirito, Asuna, and any other group who attempts and succeeds in killing the raid boss before his guild attempts to kill it.
Kirito and Asuna gather a few members for their raid including Agil and Argo, Asuna decides to visit Mito and recruit her for the boss fight. Mito however turns her down as she still feels guilty for abandoning Asuna when they were fighting the Nepenthes. Asuna challenges her to a duel and tells her that if she wins then Mito has to join them, despite trying her best she is defeated and agrees to leave her be. Before she leaves, Mito gives Asuna a handmade accessory as her own broke during their duel. Mito notices that Kirito had been nearby and watching their entire duel, he tells her that Asuna will need her support in the future. Kirito reveals that Asuna's "Chivalric Rapier" was made from the "Wind Fleuret" Rapier that Mito gave her, which shows that Asuna still cares about her and sees Mito as her friend. Kirito leaves but not before telling her when their party is going to fight the boss.
Kirito, Asuna, and their raid group enter the dungeon and kill the monsters on the way to the raid boss. They discuss a strategy before sending Kirito and Argo to scout the raid boss' room, only to start the fight by accident. The fight initially involves the boss' arms and legs attacking the players when the players step on lines on the ground. Shortly, the rest of the raid joins the group but set off the same attacks unwittingly. They eventually do enough damage to the raid boss where it exposes a crest, known to be a weakness, before the head hides itself. This causes them to realize that the boss makes up the whole boss room.
When the group attempts to retreat, the head comes out of the ground and blocks the only exit and seizes Asuna when she helps another player, who is freed by the surprise appearance of Mito. Then the crest begins appearing at random locations on the arms and legs of the raid boss; after a number of attacks on the crest, the raid boss materializes as a golem with the crest on his face. Working together with Mito, they subsequently destroy the golem and retrieve the rare item, which Mito received as the last attack bonus. While the rest of their party leaves to the 6th floor, Asuna and Kirito confront the now-arrived guild ALS. Kirito provides two conditions for providing the item, neither of which the guild then agrees to, but otherwise the guild peacefully departs. However, Kibaou secretly thanks Kirito for helping them avoid a war and departs for the next floor. As they do, some of the players murmur about Kirito and insult him about his status as a beater, this leaves Asuna in tears. As she knows that he does more than anyone for the sake of the players and yet they treat him with disdain, simply because he is a beater. However, Kirito assures Asuna that he is fine as he chose this life for himself and he is aware of how the other players see him, but as long as he has friends like Asuna, he'll be just fine. Nonetheless, Asuna comforts him by hugging Kirito and he thanks her for her kindness.
Later, on New Year's Eve on the 5th floor, Kirito and Asuna after celebrating New Years together, are ambushed by another player while heading to get more food and wine. The player holds them at knifepoint with a supposed poison knife and forces them to walk to the catacombs, mostly likely to kill them. However, Asuna tricks the player into walking into the safe zone, which repels his knife and turns the tide. They attempt to attack the player, but unfortunately he also runs into a safe zone and escapes. The knife is revealed to be a normal weapon, but Asuna reveals that the accessory Mito gave her, gives her a poison resistance buff, which would've made the poison ineffective anyway. This causes Kirito and Asuna to realize the existence of a group or guild dedicated to killing other players. The film concludes with the all the other players including Asuna and Kirito enjoying the fireworks. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)