With its loud acting style, exuberant sets and stunning shots in pastel colours, this Thai cult film is as much a parody as an homage to the Western and the romantic tearjerker.
In the countryside of Thailand, a gang of outlaws makes the region unsafe. Among them is the handsome gun hero Dum, who became unwillingly involved in the bandit life. Handsome Dum made a promise to his upper-crust lover Rumpoey: despite the class difference, they will get married. When the moment of reunion arrives, Dum gets involved in a fire fight and cannot possibly reach Rumpoey in time. She is desperate: her father has married her off to a policeman. The taciturn Dum, called the 'Black Tiger' by his co-conspirators, has however not forgotten Rumpoey. He does everything in his power to reach her, but fate gets in the way: his gang leader suspects him of treachery and his blood brother turns into his greatest enemy. Will the two lovers ever meet up? This urgent question propels the melodrama forward, supported by exciting music, spectacular shootouts and heroic duels.—Anonymous
During World War 2 a boy from the poor side of town, Seua Dum (Chartchai Ngamsan) and young rich girl Rumpoey (Stella Malucchi) fall in love but because of their family class differences can never truly bond. After ten years pass and the fire of affection kept aglow in each of the lovers hearts they meet again and discover that their love has grown and they decide to marry. However their happiness is doomed due to the disapproval of their parents and the additional terror that the local Bandit Mahesuan (Supakorn Kitsuwon) and his band of criminal followers present. In the ten years since he was a young boy Dum has developed his reputation as a hard-nosed gunslinger known as Black Tiger and is feared by many all for his fast draw. When Rumpoeys father promises his daughters hand in marriage to his star soldier Kumjorn (Arawat Ruangvuth), the arranged wedding takes on a heavy significance for the solemn Rumpoey. Dum and Kumjorn, enemies due to their class positions, both realize that they are in love with Rumpoey, and the confrontation between the two men ends in a fiery emotion-filled battle.