A human by the name Kyle falls into a liquid and becomes a superhero.
A night of sky and smog, a depressed and devastated scientist despairs on popularity. As you see he creates the Turtantanium and becomes a superhero. The scientist's name is Kyle Red. He becomes the superhero Flare with fire and flying powers, and he becomes a happy but a selfish, egocentric person. This animation is supposed to be the first of many animated movies to set-up a cinematic universe. When he drops in the Turtantanium, one of his desperate inventions of impressing people; the largest hamburger in the world, grabs some of the juice and becomes intelligent. Since Flare is too busy getting all the attention, being in movies, etc.., The hamburger gets more smarter and stronger, soon hunting down Flare and killing people in his studio of movies. He sees the dead bodies and knows what's up, so he goes to his 'friend' Mr. Science. His real name is Nicolas Perez but he hated his family so he changed his last name to Science since he obviously is a scientist.—Matias Perez