
The show deals with the Angry Brothers Brother Jack and James Angry one is a zombie the other a living human these wayward monks further the plans of "down below" by showing and making fun of grade b and indie horror films.

The Angry Brothers Omaha Shock O Rama is a hosted horror movie anthology prorgram appearing on KPAO public access tv cox ch #22 in Omaha Nebraska. The show revolves around the hosts Brother Jack Angry and Brother James Angry a Pair of Monks (one zombie and one not ..uh for the moment that is) and thier crew of scantily clad dominatrixes (lady Torrid) , demons (Inferna, ash and Syn the devil sisters) and other characters. Brothers Jack and James Angry bring you the worst in grade b shlock horror and indie films, all the while working for "down below" but screwing it up more often than not.—Les Raub

The show deals with the Angry Brothers Brother Jack and James Angry one is a zombie the other a living human these wayward monks further the plans of "down below" by showing and making fun of grade b and indie horror films adding to the mix is their scantilly cald minions Inferna (hells HR person) and the dangerous delighful devil sisters along with wise cracking dominatrix Lady Torrid.—Les Raub


  • zombie
  • zombie horror
  • anthology
  • usa male horror host
  • usa female horror host
  • Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Sci-Fi
  • Drama
Release date Oct 10, 2011
Countries of origin United States
Language English
Production companies Jack Angry Productions

Box office

Budget $100

Tech specs

Aspect ratio


All Filters