While her life is falling apart, single mom Christine finds a magical family heirloom that leads to love and good fortune during Christmas.
From Hallmark: Christine Eisley's life is coming undone. She's been fired from her job, threatened to be evicted from her home and her ex-husband is taking her to court for custody of their children. To make matters worse, she's misplaced a very special family heirloom, a star-shaped locket handed down from her father, who disappeared from her life when she was a young girl. But things seem to be looking a little brighter for Christine when she lands a new job working with a gregarious bakery owner and a holiday romance begins to blossom with Jason, the handsome grandson of a sweet couple who own a popular local store. As she uncovers a long-standing family secret, Christine's luck might be starting to turn, bringing her good fortune and true love just in time for Christmas.
Since Brad found it impossible to continue family life, he feels his ex Christina makes a poor provider for clever son Zach -who often saves her bacon- and mindless kid daughter Haley, so he considers filing for custody himself. Even in the small town where she chose to move to 'for the cozy feeling', she loses her waitress job for being late unexcused once too often. This time she stopped to call an ambulance for elderly Judy, who runs the toy shop as second wife of distracted Marshall but has a cardiac crisis while driving. The senior couple was delighted with a rare visit from grandson Jason, who drags the nostalgic shop into the age of ICT, alas having been downsized from his wall Street job. Judy insists he must find her 'savior', which goes badly due to misunderstandings and Christine's utterly baseless hostility. Despite having gotten a miraculously better clerk job in motherly Betty's deli-diner and assuming Jason must be Brad's spy. As social worker Patricia informs her of his moves to challenge her suitability as guardian-parent in court. Meanwhile Jason helps out Marshall in the shop and bonds with kids, especially Zach, who dreams of becoming a baseball catcher. Christine's lucky heirloom star pendant works in a wondrous way, getting lost and found.—KGF Vissers