A comedy news show featuring humorous takes on top stories.
Providing comedy/news in the tradition of TV Nation and SNL's Weekend Update, Comedy Central's Daily Show reports on the foibles and of the real world with a satirical edge. In addition to news stories, the Daily Show also has celebrities (and semi-celebrities) on for interviews with the host, Trevor Noah. Lampooning everything from televangelists to Charlton Heston ("I did not play a homo in Ben-Hur"), and shamelessly assigning faux-news epithets ("Newt Gingrich: Giant Toddler") Kilborn, Winstead, and the crew actually manage to report some real news from time to time.—Sam Hayes <[email protected]>
The Daily Show has a new political edge, especially on the coverage of the Presidential candidates, titled "Indecision 2004". Also, many politicians have come on the show for interviews, Senator John McCain, Carol Mosley Braun, Senator Joe Biden. In addition to this, there are the special reports by The Daily Show's correspondents. They tackle every newsstory from the persecution of smokers to trick or treating at embassies in New York City and "Sex and the City" spoofs.—Kristen <[email protected]>