A blood red moon, dying animals and torrential rain are just some of the catastrophes that are wreaking havoc on the world on a global scale. Even more unsettling is how quiet everything is. Could these events signify Armageddon?
A stranger named Silas flees from a devastating storm and finds refuge with Tom and Gillian on their farm. While struggling with the Storm, Silas seems to be the only one who can help Tom and Gillian weather it, but there are other more dangerous forces out there, that are waiting for the three.—themoth-83
Extreme events have been occurring around the world, whether they be human driven ones such as riots, or natural ones such as extreme weather. Tom and Gillian Grady and their thirteen year old son Graham Grady, who recently moved from the city to the country in an effort to save their family unit, are weathering an extreme event of their own, a heavy rainstorm, unlike one they have ever experienced. Immediately after they lose power, a man stumbles into their house and collapses. When the man regains consciousness the next morning after the storm has passed, all he can remember is that his name is Silas Hendershot, and that he just experienced some traumatic event. He also believes that their farmhouse is his. His ramblings are also as he is speaking with the voice of God. Beyond the issue of Silas having nowhere to go, Gillian, thinking that he is a kind and caring man, wants to let him stay for as long as he needs. Tom, however, doesn't trust him, believing that he is not telling them all he knows. What else Silas does say implies that some catastrophic event has occurred, and that the apocalypse is near. Although not wanting to admit it, Tom slowly does begin to believe Silas' God driven messages about what has happened and what may be about to happen. Regardless, they are still humans on Earth and decisions that each of them makes still has human related consequences.—Huggo
The plot concerns a mysterious character named Sylas Hendershot (Luke Perry), who takes refuge from a ravaging thunder storm in a small farm in rural Washington state which is owned by Tom (Steve Bacic) and Gillian Grady (Lauren Holly). He claims that he should stay and that they should watch after each other. Over the next few days, Tom quickly starts to dislike Sylas and becomes suspicious of him and his past.
Tom travels to the town police station to look for records regarding Sylas after he finds a newspaper clipping about him and his father in the attic. Tom finds the whole town deserted (including the police station) as well as 'manditory evacuation' notices posted on every building. Suddenly, Tom is attacked by two deranged men after finding an article showing Sylas as the actual killer of his father. Tom fights off the two looters and flees the town.
When Tom is save outside of the town he reads the newspaper article and It shows that Sylas' father lost the farm because he was drunk and this enraged Sylas so much that he hung him from a tree and left him there for days. When a bank foreclosure agent came by to foreclose on the house, Sylas slit his throat as well. It is then found out that Sylas has been in prison for the last 20 years related to the two deaths.
Tom returns to the farm and, after finding his wife half naked with Sylas in the bathroom, kicks him out at gun point and tells him never to return. Sylas does return however, and starts a fire as a distraction outside which makes Tom run out to look for Sylas. Sylas traps a rope around Tom's neck and drags him up in the tree to hang, just like he did with his father. Sylas then goes into the house to talk to Tom's wife and try to persuade her to become his new wife. Sylas claims that the biblical so-called 'Rapture' has arrived due to the world's weather phenomena and that everyone in the rest of the world is gone to prepare for the comming of the end of the world.
Tom's son comes to his rescue and cuts Tom down from the tree moments before he loses consciousnesses. A battle then ensues between Tom and Sylas. Tom burns Sylas alive by pushing him into the fire Sylas created as the distraction.
After the battle, Tom, Gillian and their son are relived that Sylas is dead when they look up into the night sky and see the stars in the sky start to glow and then disappear just like it was depicted in the bible as Sylas earlier explained. Just before the ending credits role, the entire universe is shown glowing very brightly then disappearing signifying the world's end.