Because of a local blood feud, a peasant family in eastern Turkey decides to sell its sheep in far away Ankara.
Because of a local blood feud, a peasant family in eastern Turkey decides to sell its sheep - a most precious commodity - in far away Ankara. During their long train ride, bribes must be paid to petty officials, sheep are stolen or die in the packed, airless, contaminated wagons, and the sick wife of one of the family's sons becomes deathly ill.—Daniel Yates <[email protected]>
An unusual love story told within the context of feudal oppression and social injustice.
As a young girl, Berivan was given in marriage to Sirvan to end the feud between two families. Althoughbloodshed stops, it does not end the hostility. Years pass and Berivan produce three infant deaths, which makes Hamo, the patriarch of the family, very resentful towards her. Although Sirvan is a good man in his essence and very caring towards his wife, he is unable to confront feudal values, thus cannot help Berivan who retreats into silence for many years. One spring, Hamo wants to take his herd of sheep to Ankara for sale and Sirvan joins him and takes Berivan along with the hope of finding a cure for his illness in the city. The railroad journey from the eastern Turkey to the west becomes the center of the story and is used as a vehicle to show the corruption and social injustice in Turkish Society in mid 70's.