Two girls fall in love with their new Biology teacher. As their obsession grows to insane levels, the young man shows interest in a female colleague, so the girls plot to separate the couple.
How far can two 12-year old girls in love with their teacher go? What's the limit between fun and dangerous? When does a childish fantasy ends to become a sinister plan? Why didn't anybody in that quiet town school could see what was going on? It all began with a spider.—Daniel Werner
Given their marked penchant for the gruesome -exemplified by their cruel "games" with dolls- and isolation by choice from the rest of the girls in the class, it was somewhat understandable that Camila and Daniela, two girls so on the verge of adolescence, would be immediately interested in Ofelia, the spider that the new Biology teacher brings to class; not to mention that they also fall madly in love with the man. The problem is that they have competition: Ana, the attractive Physical Education teacher, who they have always detested, and who in no time earns a place in the life of the man with whom they have become obsessed. Willing not to give up, the girls resort to a series of hilarious and increasingly dangerous plots to separate the couple, thus making Sebastián Caulier's directorial feature debut - starring a cast that is, with the exception of its male protagonist, entirely from Formosa- delve into the black comedy territory, without return, until it shows itself as one of the most happily atypical films of recent Argentine cinema.—exe_malaga93