A serial killer uses a horror video rental to lure his next victim. What begins as a teen slasher transforms into a disturbing journey through the mind of Max Parry, a mild mannered wedding photographer with a taste for human flesh.
Grand Rapids, Michigan. A radio announces that a serial killer, responsible for the deaths of six teenagers at a holiday camp, has escaped from prison. A waitress closing up an isolated diner hears a noise, steps on a Haloween masked, and is stabbed again and again and Suddenly the face of an English man, Max Parry (Kevin Howarth), appears, declaring The film you borrowed from the video store, I recorded over it I think you'll find this more interesting and what follows is a homemade video of Max in London, murdering people, serving meals for his friends and family, shooting wedding videos for his day job (the best place in the world to meet women), trying to persuade his retiring camera assistant (Mark Stevenson) to take a more participatory rôle, lecturing to camera on the moral underpinnings of his way of life, and murdering more people.