A group of commuter train passagers are put in accidental suspended animation and emerge years later into a devastated world.
A group of train passengers, including a policeman (Ian Hart) a wanted criminal (Mick Sizer) and an M.O.D. scientist (Harriet Ambrose) are travelling to Sheffield when their train crashes inside a tunnel and a strange gas envelopes them. When they awake, they find that Harriet froze them all so they could survive the giant meteor impact that destroyed the rest of the world. Now, they seem to be the only survivors of the human race in a world overrun with tropical plants and patrolled by packs of man-eating dogs.—R. Magrath
A group of average people, among which include a policeman, a conman, a mother and daughter, and a scientist, are caught in a rail crash which releases a cryogenic gas into the compartment. When they awake, the confused group begin a terrifying, yet fascinating journey through a devastated landscape, to the Ark; along the way they meet other survivors who have intentions both friendly and unfriendly towards them.—Jim