Lizzie McGuire has graduated from middle school and takes a trip to Rome, Italy with her class. And what was supposed to be only a normal trip, becomes a teenager's dream come true.
Teen queen Lizzie McGuire grows up a bit and hits the big screen in this comedy drama, based on the popular Disney Network series. Lizzie McGuire and her best friends Kate, Gordo, and Ethan have just graduated from middle school, and to celebrate, they're taking part in a class trip to Rome, Italy. Eager to celebrate their new maturity as high school students, Lizzie and her pals hope to live it up in one of Europe's most fabled cities, but fate has something more spectacular in store for Lizzie. Lizzie discovers that she bears a striking resemblance to Isabella, an Italian teen-pop idol famous for her duets with heart-throb Paolo -- so much so that when Paolo and Isabella have a falling out, he asks Lizzie to take Isabella's place for an upcoming concert. Lizzie, however, isn't sure she feels comfortable stepping into the spotlight, and is even less sure about the way she feels about Paolo, who makes no secret of his infatuation with her. Things don't get any simpler for Lizzie when her family gets wind of her newfound fame, and catch the next flight to Italy.—Rachel Barlow
Lizzie McGuire, the blonde haired klutz/dork/loser, among other not-so-nice-things, has just graduated middle school with her best friends David 'Gordo' Gordon, and Miranda Sanchez. As a post graduation/pre high school surprise, the newly graduates, along with other friends and rivals, get to go to the beautiful Rome, Italy with the not so beautiful high school principal, Mrs.Ungermeyer. Miranda goes on a family vacation, so it's just the two friends. That's when a tiny romance begins to blossom. When they get there, the kids expect fun, romance, and in some people's cases, tons of spaghetti. What they get is a droning tour with Ungermeyer. When Lizzie meets a famous Italian pop star, Paolo, she gets a bit of fun and adventure mixed with drama and lying, when she finds out she must replace Isabella, the brunette look alike pop singer that duets with Paolo, at the Italian Music Awards. After Kate, Lizzie's rival, finds this all out and swears to keep things a secret from Ungermeyer, Gordo finds out Paolo is using Lizzie so he won't get sued. She won't believe him, yet he continues to cover for her, who knew about this since the beginning. Things get a little to out of control, and soon Ungermeyer comes to the obvious that Lizzie has been faking sick to sneak out. Gordo tells Ungermeyer that it was him sneaking around, which gets his a cozy seat on the next plane to America. But as he's getting on the plane, Isabella, who just returned from an island, is getting off a plane. She found out about Lizzie and demands her bodyguards tell her who she is. But the only one who can tell her is Gordo. Meanwhile, Matt is at home, pretending to his parents that he misses his older sister just so they can go to Rome and get her, and he can make money of the embarrassing tapes. On the plane, their parents figure out what Lizzie's trip held, and Matt must explain all he knows in a 14 hour trip. The night that Lizzie and Paolo perform, Isabella and Gordo find Lizzie getting ready backstage. They tell her everything, and now she believes them. Lizzie tells Isabella to go ahead, but Lizzie must still perform after the brunette singer states that she is not blonde, and Paolo will find an excuse to leave. So as they go on, Isabella comes up with a clever plan and tells the operators to turn up Paolo's microphone in the middle of the song, so the audience can hear his horrible voice instead of his gorgeous lipsynching. When he's caught, he runs off and tells paparazzi it was just his voice. But no one believes him, so thats the end of Paolo. Isabella introduces Lizzie as her new American friend. They start an upbeat pop duet of the original Paolo Lizzie ballad, just as Ungermeyer, the students, and Lizzie's family come in to watch her. Then Isabella leaves Lizzie to sing by herself. She tries to run off but Gordo tells her she can do it. She pretty much sums up her trip to Roma in song. The movie ends with Lizzie getting grounded, Matt being wanted out of country for blackmailing family, Kate and Ethan, the heartthrob, enjoying spaghetti, and a sweet kiss on the balcony of the hotel shared between Gordo and Lizzie.—Kaylynn
When Lizzie and Gordo finally graduate, Rome, Italy, here they come! Lizzie, Gordo, and all the new high schoolers to be are excited about seeing Roma. Not so excited when they're accompanied by the not so sunshiny Mrs. ungermeyer. So when Lizzie is discovered by Paolo, a famous 17 year old Italian pop star, she must sneak away from Ungermeyer, the class, and everyone associated except Gordo. She finds out she was picked out because Lizzie, with her blonde hair, looks like the brunette half of the duet, Isabella. Isabella and Paolo have broken up, and Isabella is on the island. Lizzie thinks Paolo is falling for her, but all he's doing is trying not to get sued. When she finds out from Gordo, she won't believe him. Yet, he covers for her to the extent of getting sent home. Meeting Isabella there, he explains it all to her wondering mind. When they foul out Paolo at the Music Awards, Isabella and Lizzie sing together a pop version of a softer ballad. Lizzie finished the song. Later on, Lizzie apologizes to Gordo, and they seem to be getting along very well. Will a new Romance in Roma evolve?—Kaylynn
Disney's "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" serves up the comic foibles of lovable Lizzie McGuire and her pals Gordo, Kate, and Ethan, who all pack their bags and plan to live la dolce vita while on a class trip to Italy. Once there, Lizzie is mistaken for Isabella (who is part of an Italian pop duo) and begins to fall for Paolo (Isabella's handsome Italian pop star former boyfriend). When Lizzie's mom, dad, and annoying brother Matt get wind of this, they all jet their way to the boot country. In the meantime, Lizzie is transformed from a gawky teen to a beautiful pop star, Gordo struggles to understand his true feelings for her, and a whirlwind of surprising events force Lizzie to find the true meaning of friendship.—Anonymous
At her junior high graduation Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff) is forced to make a speech in place of the class president, Margaret Chan, where she trips over the backdrop onstage, bringing down the curtain on everyone on stage. Subsequently, this footage was secretly sent in to "Good Morning America" by her younger brother, although it was made more popular internationally by CNN. She and her friends then leave on a class trip to Rome accompanied by her rude and strict new high school teacher Miss Ungermeyer (Alex Borstein) and her class enemy (and ex-best friend) Kate Sanders.
After discovering she is sharing a room with Kate, Miss Ungermeyer takes them to the famous Trevi Fountain where Lizzie throws a coin into the water, for good luck after. Several minutes later, she meets the famous European pop star Paolo (Yani Gellman) who exclaims that Lizzie looks just like his partner-for-singing/ex-girlfriend Isabella. Paolo promises to be at the Trevi Fountain the next day, if Lizzie wishes to see him again. The next day, Lizzie pretends to be sick (the doctor believes that she is sick, because he had seen her embarrassing moment on stage on CNN, convinced that her nervous system collapsed under humiliation), and sneaks off to meet Paolo. She has gone off to a drive with Paolo, and agrees to present an award with Paolo as Isabella, to prevent Isabella from being sued (Paolo supposedly writes all the music, and Isabella lip-synchs). Later, Lizzie discovers that she also has to lip-synch "What Dreams Are Made Of", but agrees to do that too. Kate finds out the truth but helps Lizzie instead of betraying her.
Lizzie continues to pretend to be sick while making the dress she is going to wear for the show. Just when her scheme is about to be discovered, Gordo sacrifices himself, tells Miss Ungermeyer that Gordo was the one sneaking out, and gets kicked off the trip. Just as he's about to board the plane home, he sees the real Isabella (Hilary Duff) at the airport and discovers the truth about Paolo. Gordo and Isabella race to the music event to stop Paolo from making a fool of Lizzie on stage. Paolo's plan was to show the world that Isabella could not sing; ironically, it turns out that Paolo was the bad singer and lip-synched while performing. Isabella and Gordo pull the plug on Paolo's mic, exposing him, and Lizzie ends up singing "What Dreams are Made of" (the "theme song" of the film) in front of the huge audience inside the Coliseum with her parents and Matt (who came to Rome because the mom and dad missed Lizzie).
Later at the hotel, Paolo's now ex-bodyguard Sergei has formed a new relationship with the high school principal, Ms. Ungermeyer. Ms. Ungermeyer is informed the truth about sneaking off from Lizzie, and Gordo earns her respect as a loyal friend to Lizzie. Lizzie and Gordo sneak away for the last time from the after party to go up to the roof to talk. Gordo reassures Lizzie that things will be just as good when they go back home and that he always believed in her. Then, Lizzie kisses him and thanks him. Then, both of them return to the after party because they cannot afford getting into more trouble as we see fireworks spell out the words "The End".
Source: Wikipedia, The Lizzie McGuire Movie