The first film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic novel about a land where prehistoric creatures still roam.
A expedition to rescue Maple White, who has been marooned at the top of a high plateau. Joined by hunter John Roxton, and others, the group goes to South America, where they do indeed find a plateau inhabited by pre-historic creatures, one of which they even manage to bring back to London with them.—Ron Kerrigan <[email protected]>
Professor Challenger and a crew of explorers embark on an expedition in search of a mythical plateau in South America. The party is not there long before the jungle reveals its secrets: a primitive ape-man, a Pterodactyl, a massive Brontosaurus, and more monstrous beasts of the Jurassic age.—yusufpiskin
Professor Challenger comes back from South America with tales of a plateau where millions-of-years-extinct dinosaurs roam. When he is treated with derision he challenges all present to accompany him to witness this world. He gets a few volunteers and they set off to see for themselves the Lost World.—grantss