Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day.
Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy -- causing craziness in the house. As the only boy, 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Whether his sisters are giving him unwanted makeovers or he's racing them to the couch to gain control of the TV, Lincoln is often getting involved in antics with his siblings. Lincoln's best friend Clyde, who happens to be an only child, is jealous of Lincoln's large family and is always willing to play his part in the schemes. Clyde has a crush on Lori, Lincoln's oldest sister and self-proclaimed boss, who is dating Bobby, who holds many jobs -- including lifeguard and mall security guard -- even though he's not very smart.—Jwelch5742
In the fictional town of Royal Woods, Michigan, Lincoln Loud is the only boy and middle child in a family of eleven children. He has ten sisters with distinctive personalities: bossy eldest child Lori; ditzy fashionista Leni; musician Luna; comedian Luan; athletic Lynn; gloomy goth Lucy; polar-opposite twins Lola and Lana; child genius Lisa, and baby Lily. Lincoln often encounters problems as a result of his large amount of family members, which his best friend Clyde helps him solve. Clyde spends much of his time at the Loud House and communicates with Lincoln via a walkie-talkie when he is not around. Lincoln normally explains his issues to the audience by breaking the fourth wall and speaking to the viewers. While most of Lincoln's plans to make his life easier backfire, his predicaments tend to bring the family closer together.—Dynasti Noble
Lincoln Loud is the only boy and the middle child in a family of eleven children residing in the fictional town of Royal Woods, Michigan. He has ten sisters with distinctive personalities consisting of bossy eldest child Lori, ditzy fashionista Leni, musician Luna, comedian Luan, athletic Lynn Jr., gloomy poetic goth Lucy, polar opposite twins Lana and Lola, child genius Lisa, and baby Lily. Lincoln occasionally breaks the fourth wall to explain to the viewers the chaotic conditions and sibling relationships of the household, and continually devises plans to make his life in the Loud House better.
Lincoln Loud is the only boy and the middle child in a family of eleven children residing in the fictional town of Royal Woods, Michigan. He has ten sisters with distinctive personalities consisting of bossy eldest child Lori, ditzy fashionista Leni, musician Luna, comedian Luan, athletic Lynn Jr., gloomy poetic goth Lucy, polar opposite twins Lana and Lola, child genius Lisa, and baby Lily. Lincoln occasionally breaks the fourth wall to explain to the viewers the chaotic conditions and sibling relationships of the household, and continually devises plans to make his life in the Loud House better. In the fifth season, the Loud siblings aged up a year with Lori going to Fairway University, Lincoln going to middle school, and Lily going to preschool.
The Loud House series is based in the fictional town of Royal Woods, based on the real town of Royal Oak. The family consists of a mother named Rita, a father called Lynn Sr, a son called Lincoln and 10 daughters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luann, Lynn Jr, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily.
Lincoln is the only son, as well as the sixth oldest and middle child of the louds. He is the main character and loves hanging out with his best friend Clyde, as well as dressing up as Ace Savy and in modern seasons David Steele.
Lori is the oldest child of Lynn and Rita and is currently studying at Fairway University, in the hopes of becoming a pro golfer.
Leni is the second oldest child of the loud family and is the fashionista. She has a job at Reinengers fashion store.
Luna is the third oldest child of the family and she has big ambitions of becoming a rock star. She also has a girlfriend called Sam, who is one of her band mates in the moon goats.
Luan is the fourth oldest child and she is a keen comedian, constantly playing pranks on her family and carries a wooden puppet around, named Mr Coconuts. However, she tends to go overboard when it comes to April Fools Day. Luan has a boyfriend named Benny who is just as passionate about joking around.
Lynn Jr is the fifth oldest child and most athletic. Lynn tends to be very competitive with everyone and is very good at almost all sports.
Lucy is the seventh oldest child and the goth of the family. Lucy is part of the school morticians club and co-president with her friend Haiku. She loves her family, but keep scaring them by randomly appearing out of the blue.
The twins Lana and Lola are the eighth and ninth children of the loud family. Lana is the Tom Boy, who loves animals, playing in mud and machinery, whilst Lola is the beauty pageant queen and often goes against what her twin does. Despite this, Lola has shown signs of being aggressive at times and her siblings are constantly being scared of her.
Lisa is the tenth oldest child of the family. Despite being the second youngest, she is by far the most intelligent member of the family and is constantly working on science experiments.
Finally, Lily is the eleventh oldest, or youngest member of the loud family. Lily started off as the baby of the family, but has since grown into a toddler and has started Pre-school.
Lynn Sr is the quiet emotional father of the loud house and enjoys his job as a chef at his own restaurant, named Lynns Table. Previously, he had worked in IT.
Rita is the mother of the family and she too has changed career, starting off as a Dentist, but became a newspaper columnist later in the series.