
As a mysterious planet hurls itself toward Earth, an enigmatic extraterrestrial scout arrives on a remote Scottish island with unknown intentions.

To study a rogue planet heading for a near-miss with Earth, Prof. Elliot sets up an observatory on the foggy moors of a remote Scottish island, with his pretty daughter and Dr. Mears, a former student with a shady past. Soon after arrival of reporter John Lawrence, a ship from Planet X just happens to land near the observatory. Is the visitor (who actually looks alien) benevolent? What are Mears' real motives for trying to communicate with it?—Rod Crawford <[email protected]>

A New York City newspaper reporter flies to a remote island off Scotland, on an invitation from a scientist who is a long-time friend, to cover the news of the approach to earth of a previously-unknown planet, which the scientist has called Planet X. While awaiting the calculated date of it closest approach to Earth, they discover a torpedo-shaped craft in which an agent of Planet X, peacefully disposed, has landed to make preparations for further landings of X-people when the planet reaches its closest proximity to Earth. The scientist's assistant crosses up the friendly visitor, who depends on a tank of X-atmosphere for survival. The Man from Planet X, using a mesmeric ray, captures the scientist, his daughter, the assistant and several townspeople. The reporter calls Scotland Yard. Sherrill Corwin, a distributor, gave this film a test-run at the San Francisco Paramount on March 9, 1951 (after screening it in Hollywood for the trade-paper reviewers on March 8) before buying the distribution rights from Aubrey Wisberg and Jack Pollexfen's Mid-Century Pictures production company.—Les Adams <[email protected]>

The reporter John Lawrence visits Dr. Robert Blane and learns that his friend, Prof. Elliot has discovered a new planet that is in route toward Earth and has moved to an observatory on the Burry Island to observe from a closer location. John heads to the Scottish island and is welcomed by Prof. Elliot's daughter Enid Elliot, who is now a beautiful young woman. They go to the observatory to meet Prof. Elliot and John finds Dr. Mears, who is his disaffection. When Enid returns home after driving John to an inn in the town, she has a flat tire and finds a spacecraft landed on the island with a weird alien inside that follows her home. While Prof. Elliot and John want to investigate the reason why the alien landed on Earth, Dr. Mears has second thoughts. What are the true intentions of the extraterrestrial being?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • scientist
  • alien
  • spacecraft
  • spaceship
  • scotland
  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Sci-Fi
  • Romance
Release date Apr 26, 1951
Motion Picture Rating (MPA) Approved
Countries of origin United States
Language English
Filming locations Griffith Observatory, 2800 E Observatory Rd, Los Angeles, California, USA
Production companies Mid Century Film Productions

Box office

Budget $41000

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 11m
Color Black and White
Aspect ratio 1.37 : 1


Opening scene shows us an isolated building. Journalist, John Lawrence (Robert Clarke) explains he does not think he will survive the night, but is determined to tell the story of the man from planet X before he dies.


John Lawrence discusses with an astronomer about the discovery of planet X rushing towards Earth and reports Earth has been bathed in radar waves. The astronomer tells Lawrence about the work of Professor Elliot (Raymond Bond) has been involved on an isolated Scottish Island. The Island was chosen because Prof Elliot worked out this would be the closest point of approach by planet X to Earth

Lawrence travels to the island to interview Elliot about his research and findings regarding the planet. On arriving he is greeted by Enid Elliot (Margaret Field) Who at first he does not recognize, but realizes he'd known since she was a young girl.

The professor and his daughter have taken up residence in a small castle with the professors assistant Dr Mears ( William Schallert) A man we discover has a checkered past, and who might be less than reliable. After settling in and having dinner Lawrence and Enid go for a walk across the moor. While enjoying each others company they discovered a small rocket, which they immediately return to the castle.

Elliot deducts the object is from space, possibly even Planet X. The object is made from some exotic metal that could be extremely useful to Earth. Later that night Enid drives Lawrence to town. On the return journey she blows a tire. Deciding to walk home across the moor, she sees a faint glowing light in the fog. She investigates, discovering a larger version of the object found earlier, she also discovers it has an occupant.Panicked Enid runs back to the castle and tells her father of the discovery.

Excited by the news Elliot convinces his daughter to show him the location. Unseen by the couple, Mears follows them. Arriving at the ship the find no evidence of the alien, a strange beam of light and high pitched sound transfixes the professor rendering him senseless. The professor recovers after a few minutes and explains it felt as if he had lost all self control

Next morning Lawrence returns to the castle and listens to Elliots story. He suggests contacting the police, but Elliot insists on showing him the craft instead. While approaching the spaceship the alien appears with a weapon. While the two men try to communicate with the creature it has some sort of malfunction with its suit and collapses. Lawrence helps the creature then attempts another communication. After many minutes the two men give up in frustration and head back to the castle, the creature for unknown reasons decides to follow.Back at the castle the two men continue their efforts, on the verge of giving up, Meers suggests that maybe using mathematical formulas could work. Requesting to be left alone Meers settles in to spend the night working with the alien

Morning brings news that Prof Elliot is unwell and confined to bed and Lawrence heads to town to get medicine. Meers reports to Elliot that his attempts to communicate with the alien, though it is obvious he has made a break through. With this knowledge Meers realizes the potential power he now wields, but has to control the alien to make full use of the information. To do this he shut the aliens airflow off till the alien agrees to his demands

Unsure that Meers is telling the truth, Enid goes to check on the alien. Later when Lawrence returns from the town he looks for Enid, only to discover both she and the alien are missing. Lawrence equally concerned about Meers agrees to go with him to the ship to see if either Enid or the alien are there. Arriving they see the area is abandoned. Lawrence goes back to town to rally support in case the creature attacks. Meers remains to keep the ship under surveillance.

Lawrence encounters Constable Tommy (Roy Eagle) who is himself looking for the professor. There are a number people from the village missing and the constable wants to know whats going on. Lawrence explains all he knows the officer and townsfolk that have gathered. The townsfolk are skeptical about the story till the police officer confirms the real reason the professor is in the town. Lawrence goes back to the castle to check on Elliot, but is attacked by two men, now under the control of the alien. Lawrence figures out the alien is building an army and getting ready to attack the village. He then finds Tommy who tells him the radio and telephones are all out of order and they have no way to contact the outside world until he remembers the heliograph they can use to contact passing ships

During the next night another two villages are abducted and Lawrence discovers the men have been used to move the ship and fortify the aliens position.

Unannounced two strangers appear, Inspector Porter (David Ormont) both from Scotland Yard. It seems Constable Tommys effort to contact a ship succeeded and the message about the alien threat got throughAfter inspecting the site the two Yard officers agree the only way to stop the alien is to call in the army. Porter understands that some of the villagers could be at risk and gives Lawrence two hours to save anybody he can

Lawrence concerned about his chances, writes a final account of events this is the point we were at when the flashback began.

Finished he heads out over the moors to see what he can do

Approaching the ship he first finds Prof Eliot and tries to communicate. He discovers Elliot in the same zombie like state he was when they first found the ship. Playing a hunch he leads Elliot away from the influence of the ship, then tells him to walk straight and he will find safety. Next he locate Meers who refuses to leave and still believes the alien can give him untold power

Meers also explains the aliens intent. Apparently Planet X is a dying world and the aliens are planning to relocate, enslaving Earth with their special rays. Leaving Meers to his own devices, Lawrence works his way around the camp successfully rescuing the other enslaved villages. All he needs now is to find Enid and he can leave

The alien emerges from the ship sensing something is wrong. Lawrence ambushes him and breaks his breathing equipment, immobilizing the invader. Lawrence then enters the ship and saves Enid. Moments later the two hours are up and the army open fires with rocket launches. Meers realizing the danger tries to help the alien before a shell lands close by and destroys the ship Meers and the alien

Overhead Planet X is seen sweeping across the sky before changing course and heading back to deep space

Enid and Lawrence discuss the situation the next morning, there is clear romantic overtones however their thoughts are tempered by the fact the world can never know what happened on the island

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