
A newsroom undergoes some changes in its workings and morals as a new team is brought in, bringing unexpected results for its existing news anchor.

A high-profile team of journalists comes together to push the limit to delivering all of the news that changes the world. Despite other news networks trying to figure out how they do it, they all have their adventures and dilemmas of life to deal with.—RECB3

A news team attempts to create a news show that reports the news in an ethical and reasonable way. They take real, newsworthy events from our world as they're happening (such as bin Laden's justified killing, NSA spying, etc) and report on them as if they were an actual news station that followed rational and moral guidelines, in a biting criticism of our popular press and a clever blurring of art and reality.—Guy T


  • tv news
  • ethics
  • television producer
  • newsroom
  • news reporting
  • Drama
Release date Jun 23, 2012
Motion Picture Rating (MPA) TV-MA
Countries of origin United States
Language English
Filming locations Columbia/Sunset Gower Studios - 1438 N. Gower Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
Production companies HBO Entertainment

Box office

Tech specs

Runtime 1h
Color Color
Sound mix Dolby Digital
Aspect ratio 16:9 HD


A favorite with viewers, news anchor Will McAvoy has found a safe niche withbankable ratings on his 8:00 p.m. flagship cable show, News Night. Numbed bysuccess, McAvoy has become stoic, complacent, cynical content not to rock the boat ashe delivers the nightly news straight down the middle of the road dialing it in as heavoids ruffling feathers with anything resembling politics. What fire he still has, hereserves for the cutting sarcasm and general unpleasantness that earn him no fans withhis news team.

In a literal blink of an eye or perhaps an optical illusion McAvoy is catapultedfrom apathy to engagement when a spontaneous outburst leads him to tackle theprinciples of American patriotism in a public forum. Surviving the professional fallout fromhis unexpected tirade following an enforced vacation, McAvoy returns to work to discoverthat most of his staff has jumped ship for another show and is forced to work with severalnew team members brought on board during his absence.

McAvoys boss, Charlie Skinner, the unapologetically old-school president ofACNs news division, laments the changing face of the news. Setting the stage for Willsreturn to the standard set by news legends such as Edward R. Murrow and WalterCronkite, Charlie covertly orchestrates the hiring of Wills new executive producer, the oneperson who can restore Will's passion and bring the best out of him whether Will wantsit or not.

Wills new executive producer is MacKenzie McHale, back from 26 monthsembedded in Iraq and Afghanistan. MacKenzie was once romantically involved with Willand knows the idealism he has buried beneath a veneer of apathy and cynicism. Withtheir shared past, she knows exactly how good he can be. Even more unsettling for him,she challenges Will to abandon the successful, middle-of-the-road approach that hasmade him so popular with both sides of the aisle, and realize his full potential bydelivering the news with integrity.

Also imposed upon Will are Jim Harper, Margaret Jordan, Don Keefer, NealSampat and Sloan Sabbith, the newsroom staff. Although this group finds itself off to atumultuous start when breaking news comes over the wire, they immediately cometogether for one elusive goal: to do TV news well. Jim Harper is MacKenzies loyal seniorshow producer. Though only 27 years old, Jim is more like the old-school reporter Charliethan he is like his contemporaries. He finds himself instantly smitten with MargaretJordan, a young intern-turned-associated producer, who is already in a relationship withDon Keefer, Wills former executive producer. Neal Sampat, a young, resourceful selfmadenewsman writes Wills blog and scours the Internet for stories, often finding leadshis colleagues have missed. Sloan Sabbith is ACNs financial news analyst.

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