
A reporter is on the trail of a vampiric murderer who travels by plane.

Two investigative reporters for a tabloid magazine track down across country "The Night Flier", a serial killer who travels by private plane stalking victims in rural airports. One of the reporters, Richard Dees, begins to suspect that "the Night Flier could perhaps be a vampire".—Humberto Amador

Richard Dees is a nasty and bitter senior reporter from sensationalist tabloid Inside View. When a mysterious pilot starts killing persons nearby the airports, Richard's boss Merton Morrison invites him to cover the matter, but he is not interest. However, rookie reporter Katherine "Jimmy" Blair studies thoroughly the story of a serial-killer that killed his victims Claire Ellis Bowie in Maine; Buck Kendall in New York; and Ray and Ellen Sarch in Maryland. But Richard steals her research and gives the following advice to Katherine: "Never believe what you publish...Never publish what you believe". He flies to each place in his plane and realizes that the killer might be a vampire due to his style and calls him "The Night Flier", but he does not share his discoveries. Meanwhile Merton assigns Katherine to follow Richard to give a different view of the same story. When Richard finally finds The Night Flier, he descends to the hell in his insanity and Katherine follows his advice.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Richard Dees, a cynical reporter for the sleazy tabloid weekly Inside View, is assigned to investigate a series of "vampire" murders, committed at isolated rural air strips. The gruesome trail takes him on a journey into the bowels of hell.—Simon Meade <[email protected]>


  • reporter
  • vampire
  • airplane
  • tabloid
  • professional rivalry
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery
  • Horror
Release date Apr 29, 1997
Motion Picture Rating (MPA) R
Countries of origin United States Italy
Language English
Filming locations Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Production companies Medusa Film New Amsterdam Entertainment Stardust International

Box office

Budget $1000000
Gross US & Canada $125397
Opening weekend US & Canada $91549
Gross worldwide $125397

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 37m
Color Color
Sound mix Dolby Digital
Aspect ratio 1.85 : 1


Richard Dees [Miguel Ferrer], ace reporter for the tabloid newspaper Inside View isoffered a new assignment. Some sicko who calls himself Dwight Renfield, asin Dwight Frye who played the role of Renfield in the 1931 movie versionof Dracula, is flying from desolate airport to desolate airport in hisblack Cessna Skymaster 337, tail number N101BL, killing whomever is thereand then drinking their blood--and no one has caught him yet. However,Dees thinks the story is a waste of his time and suggests that editorMerton Morrison [Dan Monahan] give the assignment to cub reporter Katherine Blair [Julie Entwistle], whomDees has unaffectionately nicknamed "Jimmy," after Jimmy Olson of Supermanfame. The next morning, after Katherine has been able to tap into a networkof local law enforcement agencies on her computer and find three casesthat all meet the batty flier's M.O., Morrison again asks Dees to take theassignment. This time, Dees agrees. Needless to say, Katherine isn'tpleased. Dees has his own airplane and decides to run the killer's backtrail.

First stop is the Cumberland County Airport in Falmouth, Maine, whereClaire Bowie was killed. Dees gets the details fromEzra Hannon [John Bennes] on how, ashe was turning over the night shift to Claire, the night-flying Skymasterlanded. Out of the airplane walked a man wearing a long black cloak. Thenext morning, Hannon found Claire washing down the Skymaster. The morningafter that, Claire was found with his throat ripped open. The only strangething that Hannon can recall was under the luggage bay--a big pile of dirtfilled with worms and maggots. That night, Dees pays a visit to Claire'sgrave in order to get a photograph. Later, after drinking 3/4ths of abottle of booze and bedding down for the night at the Cumberland Motel,Dees dreams that someone wearing a long black cloak is after him. WhenDees looks out the patio door, however, he sees written on the glass inwhat looks like blood, "STAY AWAY." Dees chalks it up to a cemeterycaretaker who gave him a hard time while he was trying to photographClaire Bowie's grave.

Second stop is New York, the Alderton Funeral Home, where BuckKendall is laid out ready for the funeral director to sew up the deepgashes in his face and the two big holes on opposite sides of his neck. Ina call that evening to Morrison, Dees learns that Morrison is gettingantsy. He wants to run the story about the Night Flier, but Dees is notready to give it yet, so Morrison has a brainstorm. He puts Katherine backon the story.

Third stop for Dees is Duffrey, Maine, where Ray and Ellen Sarch werethe Night Flier's third and fourth victims. Unfortunately, the Duffreyairport is closed, so Dees has to land at Washington National, rent a car,and drive into town. On the way, he comes upon a car crash. Several peoplehave been killed and are laying all bloodied on the pavement and in theircars. While photographing a young boy, Dees sees the boy's face suddenlychange into that of an older man with a chain hanging out of his mouth.Dees is taken aback, but the policeman telling him not to get in the wayinterrupts his vision. Dees stops at a gas station in Duffrey. The owner tells him how hefilled Ray and Ellen's tank the day before the murders. Ray was lookingtired and pale, but Ellen was looking "fine." The owner suggests that Deestalk to Selida McCammon, Ellen's hairdresser. Selida tells Dees that shethought it odd for Ellen, after 20 years of appointments as regular asclockword, to suddenly come in two weeks early. Plus, Ellen seemed alldreamy to Selida, looking "like a schoolgirl with a crush," and asking fora new look that made her appear sensuous and younger. Ellen also toldSelida about the pilot who had flown in the night before and how theywelcomed him by inviting him in for dinner and to watch a little TV.After getting the story from the local deputy, Dees pays a visit tothe Sarches' trailer. He sees Ray's office where bloody handprints stillremain on the window. He sees the corner of the room where Ray's head wasfound, ripped from his shoulders. He sees on the wall the FAA warning fora black Skymaster 337 #N101BL registered to Dwight Renfield. He sees thebedroom where Ellen Sarch's body was found lying on the bed, two big holeson opposites sides of her neck, her body bloodless, and a peaceful smileon her face. When he leaves the trailer, Dees is chased by a large darkdog who disappears when Dees manages to outrun it to his car.

That evening, after checking in at the Falling Star Motel, Dees goesout for a drink or two or three. As he looks at the photos he has taken,the bartender sets down an unordered Bloody Mary, supposedly ordered forDees by a guy at the end of the bar, but there is no one there now. Deeslifts the drink to see the words "STOP NOW" printed on the napkinunderneath it. When Dees returns to his hotel, who should he see there but KatherineBlair. They trade insults, boast about their leads, and both admit thatthey're actually dry. Dees invites "Jimmy" to help him phone airports insearch of the Night Flier's next touchdown. They make a list of all theairports in the area and divide it in half. Dees calls his half on hiscellphone while Katherine calls her half on the phone in the motel room.No luck. Only one airport to go--Wilmington--which is unlikely, as it's alarge airport. Dees makes the call anyway. When he asks the air controllerif he's seen a black Cessna Skymaster 337, tail 101BL, the controllercurtly says "No" and hangs up on him. Obviously, the real answer is "Yes."

Fourth stop is Wilmington Airport, but first Dees has to get rid of"Jimmy." He locks her in his closet, tells her, "Sorry, Jimmy. You lose,"and then takes off alone. It is a dark and stormy night as Dees approachesWilmington. He asks the controller again if he's seen a Skymaster 337,tail 101BL but gets no reply. Suddenly, his radio is filled with screams.Then comes a deep, gravelly voice calling his name. It is Dwight Renfieldhimself. He tells Dees to turn around, but Dees refuses. When he lands atWilmington, Dees sees it--the black Skymaster. There is no one inside, soDees peeks in. What he finds is mind-numbing. The cockpit is dripping withblood, and the cargo hold is filled with dirt, worms, maggots, and severalcopies of Inside View.

Suddenly the screaming starts again, and Dees runs to the terminal.What he finds inside is even more appalling. Blood everywhere, and bodiesof men, women, and children on the floor and in the chairs. Even the FAAwarning for the black Skymaster 337 #N101BL registered to Dwight Renfieldis dripping with blood. One body catches his eye, and Dees goes over tophotograph it. It is a man with a chain hanging out of his mouth. Deespulls out the chain to find a crucifix dangling from it.

Dees has had it. He can no longer hide behind his camera and races tothe men's room where he upchucks his dinner. Suddenly, someone else entersthe men's room, but Dees cannot see anyone in the mirror, only the trickleof blood in the urinal where someone is relieving himself. It is Dwight Renfield [Michael H. Moss],and for the first time, Dees realizes that he has encountered a realvampire. Dwight makes Dees destroy his film, warns Dees for the final timenot to follow him anymore, and leaves. After shivering for a few seconds,Dees follows anyway...shouting at Dwight to show his face. Show it hedoes, to reveal two huge, opposing fangs, one on the top and one on thebottom. Dwight then slits his own wrist and makes Dees drink the blood.

And now Dees enters his own personal hell. The floor of the terminalturns misty and from it start rising all the people whom Dees hasexploited to write his stories in Inside View. As they advance towardhim, Dees freaks. Grabbing the axe from the emergency firebox, he startshacking at them. Suddenly the police arrive, followed by Katherine Blair.The police order Dees to freeze, but he rushes towards Katherine anyway,so they shoot him. They warn Katherine to stay back, so she stands by theterminal window where she sees Dwight Renfield getting into his blackSkymaster and taking off.

Katherine knows that she can never print what she believes or believewhat she prints, so the next cover of Inside View features Richard Deeslying in a pool of his own blood. The headline reads: NIGHT FLIERDEFANGED. Inside View Scribe Moonlighted as Dastardly Deadly Count. Inthe lower right-hand corner is a photo of Katherine "Jimmy" Blair, thetabloid's new ace reporter.

Sorry, Dees. You lose. [Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]

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