Made from sugar, spice, everything nice and Chemical X by the Professor; Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup now use their superpowers and super cuteness to save the world (or at least Townsville) from evil villains and all things icky.
Made from sugar, spice, everything nice and Chemical X by the Professor; Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup now use their superpowers and super cuteness to save the world (or at least Townsville) from evil villains and all things icky. Unlike the original series, this reboot focuses more on the Powerpuff Girls and their interpersonal dynamics than rescuing Townsville from super-villains.—Craig McCracken
The 2016 Powerpuff Girls reboot focuses more on the girls personal lives, rather than crime fighting. However, there is still SOME fighting in this series.
As mentioned before, the series focuses on the lives of Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles.
The Girls:
Blossom is the red head and is often regarded as the smartest, most academic and Mature. She wears a red hair bow, pink dress, white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes.
Buttercup is the Brunette and also the most aggressive Powerpuff Girl. She is the tomboy of the group and is quick to rush into action. Buttercup wears a green dress, white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes.
Bubbles is the blonde, kind hearted girl. She is often regarded to as the most innocent of the trio. She wears a blue dress, white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes.
Blisstina is the girls long lost older sister. She has blue hair and a purple dress. She was banished by Professor Utonium, because she was unable to control her powers and caused a ruckus.
Side Characters:
Professor Utonium created the girls by accidentally spilling Chemical X. He is widely regarded as the girls father and still loves them as his own.
The Mayor of Townsville is there to check that everything runs smoothly in his town.
Mojo Jojo is a green chimpanzee in a purple cape, who despises the Powerpuff Girls.
HIM is the devil and owns the underworld. He speaks in a high pitched tone of voice. He often asks people if they'd like to sell their soul to him in return for something they want.
Princess Morbucks is the bratty, red headed princess in the girls class. She mostly has issues with Blossom and has been seen going toe to toe with her. Morbucks secretly wants to join the Powerpuff Girls and resents all the attention they receive. She wears a tiara, a yellow shirt and a purple skirt.
Jared Shapiro is Blossoms secret crush. He is a Brunette and wears glasses. It is unclear whether he likes Blossom back or not.
Unlike the other series, the girls attend more of a high school setting.