Eve Vernet was the largest rose grower. It is now on the verge of bankruptcy, on the verge of being bought out by a powerful competitor. In addition, Véra, her faithful secretary, employed three employees without any gardening skills.
The film stars Catherine Frot as Eve Vernet, a formerly successful rose grower on the verge of bankruptcy, who hires three workers with no horticultural skills and must train them to help save her business. Eve, a renowned rose designer, runs a horticultural company inherited from her father, which is experiencing serious financial difficulties. Its secretary (Vera, played by Olivia Côte) recruited three employees on a reintegration contract without horticultural training. Eve's name and skills are coveted by a powerful competitor, Lamarzelle (Vincent Dedienne), whom she does not support, because he does not share his professional ethics and is above all guided by the thirst for profit. Eve wants to create a new hybrid from an exceptional rose, of which Lamarzelle has one of the very few examples. As the latter refused to collaborate, which was contrary to the habits of the profession, she decided to exploit the offender's experience of Fred (Melan Omerta), one of her three new employees, by going to steal the rose she coveted. The burglary succeeded, and Eve realized on this occasion that Fred had an exceptional sense of smell that could open the doors to a career in perfumery. Eve carries out the hybridization on which all its hopes of saving its business is based. In order to have financial retractions to keep up until hybrids are flowering, he sends Samir (Fatsah Bouyahmed) and Nadège (Marie Petiot) to sell door-to-door roses. Following a hail shower that caused much damage to her crops, she resigns herself to mortgage her house and sell some of her furniture. Unfortunately, hybridization does not give the results it expected, the flowers obtained do not meet expectations. Eve then resigns to selling her business to Lamarzelle. As she prepares to sign the sales contract, Nadège realizes that one of the hybrids she, Samir and Fred, have made a practicing result, an exceptional rose tree that can be awarded. Eve then cancels the business sale. The new rose won the gold medal in the Bagatelle contest. And Fred leaves for Paris to began his training to work in perfumery.