Jorge Ramos attempts to take down numerous violent robbers, corrupt policemen and conspiring terrorists of all things. It'll take a little more than a quick trigger finger and keeping his enemies closer.
Ex-cops + Ex-cons = Ex-problems. When a rogue police officer quits the force and wreaks havoc on a vicious gang of crooks, he ends up making things far worse than when he was a member of the force. After breaking out of incarceration, he'll need anyone with brains, strategies and the best guns in town to take down enemies bigger than he imagined.—Anonymous
Ex-cops + Ex-cons = Ex-problems. When Ramos, a rogue police officer, is committed to quitting the corrupt police force he serves and decides to wreak havoc on a vicious gang of infamous crooks, he ends up making things far worse than when he was a member of the force. After breaking out of incarceration, he'll need anyone with brains, strategies and the best guns in town to take down enemies bigger than he imagined. After the violent incident has ensued, Ramos finds that he will have to organize an entire team of ex-cops and ex-cons (he is a member of both parties) to combat the aforementioned corrupt forces that envelop the city of Dallas. Ramos is not only a fugitive but a hardened leader, vigilante at heart and will need the complete support of former SWAT team officer Tavon to combat the various power-striving policemen hindering the city from any real progress. Once they set the true crooks in their cross-hairs, things take an unexpected turn, for better or worse. Watch as more good and bad cops are torn between one another, the ex-cons reconsider their loyalties and the on-going violence erupts into such a violent cycle that no one will ever sleep well. Falling Down meets Heat meets Training Day meets Die Hard meets The Punisher meets Taken. All shot in the style of similar films and programs such as Dog Day Afternoon, Law and Order: SVU, Street Kings, 24 and The Shield. A promising vision, a brutal delivery, a small-scale production delivered to higher expectations.—Anonymous