After the birth of Renesmee/Nessie, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.
The final Twilight Saga begins with Bella now a vampire learning to use her abilities. And happy to see her daughter, Renesmee is flourishing. But when someone sees Renesmee do something that makes them think that she was turned. This person goes to the Volturi, because it is a violation to turn a child. And the penalty is death for both who turned the child into a vampire and the child, cause they deem a turned child too dangerous. Alice gets a vision of the Volturi coming after them. So the Cullens try to convince them that Renesmee is not a threat. So they ask friends and family to come stand with them. But when someone who has it in for the Volturi shows up and tells them they should be ready for a fight. And they get ready.—[email protected]
Bella trains her new abilities with Edward Cullen and they are happy to see their daughter Renesmee growing very fast. Jacob Black has an imprint with the child, irritating Bella. Volturi believes that the girls is a threat to the vampires and decide to travel to Forks to kill Renesmee and her parents. Alice Cullen has a premonition with the Volturi coming to Forks and Edward and Bella visit other clans to convince them to protect Renesmee from the Volturi together with Jacob's pack. The battlefield is ready for a bloody fight.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Now a full vampire, Bella begins to enjoy a new life with her husband Edward and newborn daughter Renesmee. And Jacob Black vows to be her guardian since he imprinted on Renesmee. However, their new lives together are cut short when someone thinks that Renesmee is an immortal child, which is a violation of law. And danger rises when the sinister Volturi declare the child dangerous and plot to dispose of the Cullens. So the Cullens move to make one final stand. To make this work, they must rally friends and family to stand with them in a final battle that will not only decide the child's fate, but the fate of Bella, Edward and their family.—Blazer346
With eyes as scarlet as a raging fire and an unquenched lust for warm fresh blood, vampire-Bella gets a new lease of life, after the agonising near-death experience in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011). Suddenly, everything is new--and as the blissful parents, Edward and Bella, are so proud of their exceptional baby-girl, Renesmee--once more, an insidious and equally remorseless menace in the shape of the all-powerful coven of the Volturi threatens the House of Cullens. Now, a terrible war is brewing, unless Jacob's pack of ferocious wolves, the ancient clan of Forks' vampires, and their loyal undead supporters stand against the scheming leader of the Volturi, Aro, and his evil forces. Will they emerge unscathed? Above all, will Edward and Bella stay forever young, forever beautiful, and forever in love?—Nick Riganas
Bella (Kristen Stewart) awakens from her transformation from human to vampire, aware of her new and heightened abilities, but unaware of changes within the coven, such as Jacob (Taylor Lautner) having imprinted on her child Renesmee. Imprinting basically means that Jacob sees that person as some sort of a mate in the time to come.
As a newborn Bella is stronger than almost everyone else in the coven. Her newfound enhanced senses allow her to notice even the smallest things like dirt in the carpet, flowers blooming, spiders spinning a web and so on. She surpasses Edward with her physical abilities. Bella goes crazy at the smell of human blood and has to be restrained and trained to sustain on animal blood such as from a deer.
Renesmee is already a healthy toddler when Bella first meets her. Renesmee's ability is to show her memories to anyone she touches.Bella is angry when she finds that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee. Jacob tries to explain that imprinting is a wolf thing, and they have no control over it. Plus, imprinting doesn't always mean to be a romantic or a sexual thing. It can also be more like a protective brother or a friend kind of relationship. Now that Bella is strong, she is able to push Jacob around very easily. Bella says that Renesmee is a baby and Jacob cannot have any sort of wolf-like claim on her. Jacob is already calling Renesmee as Nessie and Bella gets angrier that he nicknamed her daughter after the Loch Ness monster.
Jacob explains that in the last days of her pregnancy Bella wanted to be near Jacob. It wasn't Bella, but Renesmee that wanted to be near him as he had imprinted on her. Jacob says that nothing ever made sense between their love triangle before, but now he knows the reason as he was supposed to imprint on Renesmee.For her 19th birthday, Alice gifts Edward and Bella a cabin of their own in the woods. The cabin is super luxurious and hidden deep in the forest, providing complete privacy. The sex is amazing as Edward is not holding back anymore, plus Vampires don't sleep, or sleep, or get tired, or even eat. Edward says that Emmett and Rosalie were so bad that it took a decade for them to get over their lust for each other.
It also appears that Bella's father, Charlie (Billy Burke), has been attempting to contact the Cullens for updates on Bella's illness. They intend to tell him she didn't survive, which requires that they move out of Forks, Washington to protect their identities. Jacob, desperate not to lose Renesmee, tells Charlie that his daughter is in fact alive and well, and explains that Bella has had to change in order to survive. He morphs into a wolf, revealing his tribe's shape-shifting power, but does not tell Charlie about vampires. This way Charlie is protected from the Volturi as he doesn't know about the existence of Vampires.
Bella's friends include Jessica (Anna Kendrick), Mike Newton (Michael Welch), Angela Weber (Christian Serratos), and Eric Yorkie (Justin Chon). The Cullens include Edward, Alice (Ashley Greene), Rosalie (Nikki Reed), Jasper (Jackson Rathbone), Carlisle (Peter Facinelli), Emmett (Kellan Lutz) and Esme (Elizabeth Reaser).
The werewolves include Jacob, Sam Uley (Chaske Spencer), Quil (Tyson Houseman), Embry (Kiowa Gordon), Leah (Julia Jones) the only female werewolf, Seth (Booboo Stewart) Jacob's friend and Leah's brother, Paul Lahote (Alex Meraz) and Jared Cameron (Bronson Pelletier). Billy Black (Gil Birmingham) is a Quileute elder and Jacob's physically disabled father. Emily (Tinsel Korey) is Sam's fiance.
Charlie comes to visit Bella at the Cullens home and the Cullens have to teach Bella how to act like a human. She has to remember to move slowly, blink, slouch and mover her shoulders to give the impression of breathing. Bella wears contact lenses to hide the new color of her eyes.Bella refuses to tell Charlie about what happened to her at Isle Esme. Renesmee is introduced to Charlie as their adopted niece. Charlie now lives with Leah and Seth's mother Sue (Alex Rice).
Several months pass with Carlisle monitoring Renesmee's rapid growth. On an outing in the woods, a bitter Irina (Maggie Grace) sees Renesmee from a distance and believes her to be an immortal child. Immortal children were those who were frozen in childhood, and because they could not be trained nor restrained, they destroyed entire villages. They were eventually executed, as were the parents who created them, and the creation of such children was outlawed.Irina is part of the Denali coven and was a mate of Laurent, who was killed by the Cullens. She hated the Cullens and was looking for an opportunity for revenge. The original Denali mother created an immortal child and was destroyed as a result.
Irina goes to the Volturi to report what she has seen. The Volturi include leader Aro (Michael Sheen) and his brothers Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower) a Volturi elder who is very strict about vampire laws and Marcus (Christopher Heyerdahl) a Volturi elder who has the gift of seeing the relationship connections between people. And include Jane (Dakota Fanning) a guard of the Volturi who has the ability to torture people with illusions of pain, Alec (Cameron Bright) Jane's brother who has the ability to cut off senses, Demetri (Charlie Bewley) a Volturi guard who is a gifted tracker, and Felix (Daniel Cudmore) a Volturi guard who has supreme strength.
Alice sees the Volturi and Irina coming to kill the Cullens and instructs the others to gather as many witnesses as they can to testify that Renesmee is not an immortal (converted to Vampire as a child but was born a Vampire and hence would continue to grow to a Vampire adult).Alice and Jasper suddenly disappear leaving a note that they are searching for evidence that the Volturi would believe.
The Cullens know that they do not stand a chance against Jane and Alec. The Cullens begin to summon witnesses, such as the Denali family. The Denali include Eleazar (Christian Camargo) who has the ability to identify the special powers of other vampires, Carmen (Mía Maestro) mate of Eleazar, Tanya (MyAnna Buring) leader of the Denali coven and Kate (Casey LaBow) who has the ability to release an electric current over her body.
The witness would need to testify that children born as human, and vampire grow up to be "normal" Vampire adults and are not "frozen" as kids. Renesmee touches the witnesses to share her growing up memories with them, so they could be witnesses.One of the Denali, Eleazar later discovers that Bella has a special ability: a powerful mental shield, which she can extend to protect others from mental attacks.The Cullens travel to Egypt to meet Amun (Omar Metwally), Benjamin (Rami Malek) and Tia (Angela Sarafyan) and share Renesmee's memories with them. Senna (Tracey Heggins) and Zafrina (Judith Shekoni) (has power to control minds and make them see what she wants) come from the Amazon. Rosalie and Emmett find Garrett (Lee Pace) a friend of Carlisle who has been around since British rule over the Americas. Alistair (Joe Anderson) is one of the last of Carlisle friends to join.As more and more Vampire gather in the Forks (a total of 18 Vampires arrive), the instincts of the Quileute take over and many more tribe members shape shift into werewolves.
Vladimir (Noel Fisher) and Stefan (Guri Weinberg) arrive and inform the Cullens that the Volturi are preparing witnesses of their own, who will testify to crimes committed by the Cullen. A coven head explains that when Aro wants someone from a coven, soon evidence turns up proving that the coven committed a crime. Aro always pardons one person when he declares their thoughts to be repentant. This person always has a unique ability and is given a position as a guard of the Volturi. Edward now understands that Aro is after Alice, as he has no one like her, and this is perhaps also why Alice left.The covens know that a war is coming, and they don't want to fight, but Edward tells them that what is happening to the Cullens can happen to anyone anytime and encourages them to stand up to the Volturi.
Some of their potential witnesses like Toshiro (Masami Kosaka) are attacked by the Volturi and prevented from supporting the Cullens. Carlisle and Edward realize they may have to fight the Volturi. Their witnesses ultimately agree to stand with them in battle, having realized the Volturi increase the Guard by falsely accusing covens of crimes to gain vampires (from the destroyed coven) with gifts.
The coven trains Bella to project her ability of mentally protecting herself to anyone she desired. While all was going on, Alice took off, with a brief note, indicating she was running away from the coming fight. In reality, Alice was busy gathering a key witness, which could change the battle. Alice left clues for Bella (with a note in a book that guides her to J Jenks (Wendell Pierce)) as only her mind was unreadable, so that she could find the money & passports Alice had arranged for Jacob & Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) to escape.Bella was distraught to know that in Alice's vision, only Renesmee and Jacob had a future and Edward and Bella would not be a part of it.
Bella starts to make preparations for Renesmee. She packs her a bag with all of their cash and writes multiple notes for her to be opened at different ages, so that she can learn the truth. Bella then counsels Renesmee never to leave Jacob. She sends Sue and Charlie away on an all expense paid, non-refundable fishing trip, so they cannot be targeted by the Volturi.
The Volturi arrive prepared for battle, led by Aro. The wolf pack joins the Cullens and their witnesses against the Volturi.Aro is eager to obtain the gifted members of the Cullen coven as part of his guard. Aro is allowed to touch Renesmee and is convinced that she is not an immortal child. Irina is brought forth and takes full responsibility for her mistake, leading to her immediate death.Jane tries to inflict pain on the Cullens to provoke them into an attack, but Bella projects her mental shield to protect all of the Cullens and their witnesses.Aro insists that Renesmee may pose a risk in the future, validating his claim that battle is necessary. Aro says that Renesmee is a hybrid child and hence it is not certain whether she will side with the Vampires or the humans in the future. He says that humans are already developing weapons to kill vampires and Renesmee joining them would wipe out the whole species.
This is the moment when Alice and Jasper return and join the battlefield.Before any violence, Alice shares with Aro her vision of the battle that is to come, during which both sides sustain heavy casualties, including Aro himself. Aro believes her, giving Alice and Jasper an opportunity to reveal their witness (which is a half mortal half vampire just like Renesmee). The witness Nahuel (J. D. Pardo) from a native tribe in Brazil says that he was born when a Vampire seduced his mother. His mother died in childbirth. He reached maturity in 7 years and has a diet of blood and human food. He proves that he is mature, supporting the notion that Renesmee is not a threat. He lives with his aunt Huilen (Marisa Quinn) whom he converted to a Vampire.
The Volturi leave without a fight.Back at the Cullen home, Alice glimpses the future, seeing Edward and Bella together with Jacob and a fully matured Renesmee. Edward reads Alice's mind and feels relieved that Renesmee has Jacob to protect her. Alone in the meadow, Bella pushes her mental shield away and finally allows Edward a peek into her mind, showing him every precious moment, she and Edward shared together and the two share a kiss after Bella telling Edward, "No one has ever loved anyone as much as I love you", and both Edward and Bella saying they'll love and be together forever... literally. The song, " A Thousand Years" plays in the background.