An exiled wizard tries to rebuild his home after it was destroyed by evil sorcerers. It is not long, however, before one of those sorcerers tracks down the wizard and tries to destroy everything in his path.
In a time of peace several elder wizards watched over their land and guarded it from evil. Until a malevolent group of sorcerers, who joined forces in their thirst for power, rebelled against the elders and destroyed everything that stood in their way. Only one elder wizard survived and fled into exile, where he would try to rebuild his old home. He made beautiful flowers and roses, and covered the land with grass. He also created many trees and surrounded them with other unique and colorful flora. The wizard worked arduously for many days and many nights until finally his home was rebuilt. However, during this time his enemies had sent their best sorcerer to track down the surviving elder. He began destroying everything the wizard had created. But the wizard would not give up without a fight. He used his own magical spells to try and stop the evil sorcerer. But the sorcerer also used his own spells to counter the wizard's and soon they were caught in a back and forth of spells and counter spells, creating and manipulating their creations against one another. The wizard prevailed with his magic and found a way to weaken the evil sorcerer so that he could lock him up in a special chest forever. Burying it underground, the wizard was left at peace once again.