Imagine an island. Within this island there is another island. And within this other island there is a city: a city with two different names. Inside this city with two names, flows a river. This is its autobiography.
Imagine an island. Within this island there is another island. And within this other island there is a city: a city with two different names. Inside this city with two names, flows a river. This is its autobiography. Is the story of a river able to reveal a sense of life imprisoned by History? Despite the end of the conflict, in Northern Ireland there is still a city with two different names: Derry, for Catholics, Londonderry for Protestants. In the middle of the city, flows the river Foyle, which acts as their liquid border. A visionary and surreal autobiography of a river that ended up being what it wasn't supposed to be: a liquid wall, dividing two sides separated by 40 years of conflict. A film-reverie, where a river becomes the paradigm of any possible border and any imaginable trespass.