A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.
84 years later, a 100 year-old woman named Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy Calvert, Brock Lovett, Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancé, Caledon Hockley. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.—Anthony Pereyra <[email protected]>
After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic during a dockside card game, American Jack Dawson spots the society girl Rose DeWitt Bukater who is on her way to Philadelphia to marry her rich snob fiancé Caledon Hockley. Rose feels helplessly trapped by her situation and makes her way to the aft deck and thinks of suicide until she is rescued by Jack. Cal is therefore obliged to invite Jack to dine at their first-class table where he suffers through the slights of his snobbish hosts. In return, he spirits Rose off to third-class for an evening of dancing, giving her the time of her life. Deciding to forsake her intended future all together, Rose asks Jack, who has made his living making sketches on the streets of Paris, to draw her in the nude wearing the invaluable blue diamond Cal has given her. Cal finds out and has Jack locked away. Soon afterwards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.—hEmRaJ ([email protected])
Deep at the bottom of the sea, some 3,800 metres below the surface of the freezing Atlantic Ocean, lies the wreckage of a ship now stripped of its former glory: it is the unmistakable carcass of the Titanic, once man's grandest mechanical achievement. Almost one century later, modern treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his crew dig for answers, intrigued by the ocean liner's sunken hidden riches. But when lively centenarian Rose Calvert, one of Titanic's few survivors, learns about the ambitious crusade, the ship's never-before-heard story unfolds. And as the white-haired guest takes an emotional trip down memory lane, Rose intertwines the fate of King Louis XVI's exquisite Heart-of-the-Ocean diamond with a passionate romance aboard the ill-fated Titanic. However, history gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions. Is Lovett on the verge of making an extraordinary discovery?—Nick Riganas
In 1996 vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh where Brock Lovett and his team search for wreck of Titanic they come across a safe hoping that it could have the necklace also known as heart of ocean.After opening the safe they find that it just has sketches of a nude women with the necklace which are dated April 14 1912 same day Titanic submerged.An old lady identifies the pictures aired on television and discloses that the pictures belong to her and she is Rose Dawson Calvert.Rose accompanies with her granddaughter and encounters her experiences to Brock and his team she was then 17 years old who boarded Titanic with her mother Ruth and fiance Cal Hockley.Ruth wanted Rose to marry Cal so that their financial problems will be solved and status will be upright,Jack Dawason a poor artist wins a third class ticket for Titanic in a poker game and boards the ship with his friend.Rose isn't happy in her relationship with Col and tries to jump of the ship and gets saved by Jack.Rose and Jack further keep on meeting and develop a liking towards each other but Ruth and Col warn Rose to stay away from him somehow they both reconcile and Rose takes him to his room.Rose asks Jack to sketch her just in the necklace (heart of the ocean) when Cal's manager comes in search of them they hide in a lower deck of ship in a car and make love towards each other when the tragedy strikes of Titanic hitting the iceberg.The captains of the ship tried their best to save the ship hitting from iceberg but were in vain Jack and Rose overhear the officers that its a serious situation and that within two hours the ship will sink.—[email protected]
In 1996, aboard the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, treasure hunter Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) and his team explore the wreck of RMS Titanic, searching for a valuable diamond necklace called the Heart of the Ocean. The wreck rests on the ocean floor, 3821 meters below the surface.They recover Caledon "Cal" Hockley's (Billy Zane) safe, believing the necklace to be inside, but only find a sketch of a nude woman wearing the diamond, dated April 14, 1912, the night the Titanic hit the iceberg. The expedition is privately funded and hence Brock is under pressure to deliver the diamond to his investors.Hearing about the drawing on the TV news, an elderly woman named Rose Dawson Calvert (Gloria Stuart) calls Lovett and claims that she is the woman depicted in the drawing. She and her granddaughter, Lizzy Calvert (Suzy Amis), visit him and his team on his salvage ship. Rose is 101 years old and all the details about her convince Brock that she was on the ship on the night of its accident. She was the last person who wore the Heart of the Ocean.Brock knows that Cal's father Nathan had settled an insurance claim for the loss of the diamond, that Cal had bought for his fiance, just before the Titanic sailed from England.
Brock takes Rose through a quick simulation of the Titanic Iceberg collision. It hit the berg on the starboard side, which punched holes across a wide section of the hull. The water entered several water-tight compartments and eventually rose over the bulkheads (which did not go above the E deck) to spill over to the other water-tight compartments astern. The ship tilts as the stern rises out of the water and eventually splits into 2 parts right down the middle. The front section goes under first, followed shortly by the stern section. The ship sinks at 2:20 AM, 2 hours and 40 minutes after the ship hit the iceberg.When asked if she knows the whereabouts of the necklace, Rose recalls her time aboard the Titanic, revealing that she is Rose DeWitt Bukater, a passenger believed to have died in the sinking.
She then begins her story as follows:In 1912, 17-year-old first class passenger Rose (Kate Winslet) boards "Titanic" in Southampton with her fiance Cal and her mother Ruth DeWitt Bukater (Frances Fisher). Titanic is making her first voyage and is considered to be "unsinkable".Ruth stresses the importance of Rose's engagement, as the marriage would solve the DeWitt Bukaters' secret financial problems.
Meanwhile, Jack and his Italian friend Fabrizio (Danny Nucci) board the Titanic at the last possible minute by winning 3rd class tickets for the voyage in a poker game against Irish immigrants.Margaret "Molly" Brown (Kathy Bates) boarded the ship at Cherbourg. Molly was looked down upon by the other first-class passengers for being "new" money.The next day, Titanic sails west at 21 knots. The Titanic is captained by Edward John Smith (Bernard Hill) and was designed by Thomas Andrews (Victor Garber). Edward's staff includes Chief Officer Henry Wilde (Mark Lindsay Chapman), First Officer William Murdoch (Ewan Stewart), Second Officer Charles Lightoller (Jonathan Phillips) and Third Officer Herbert Pitman (Kevin De La Noy).J Bruce Ismay (Jonathan Hyde) is the MD of the White Star Line, the owners of the Titanic.
Distraught by her engagement, Rose considers suicide by jumping off the ship's stern. Rose climbs over the astern rails as she decides whether to jump. A drifter and artist named Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) stops her and pulls her back on deck when she slips and hangs off the rails. Discovered with Jack on the stern, Rose tells Cal that she was looking over the ship's edge in curiosity and that Jack saved her from falling.At Rose's insistence, Cal invites Jack to dinner the following night to show his appreciation. That night Cal gifts Rose the Heart of the Ocean diamond, in a necklace.Ismay orders Edwards to light the last 4 boilers of the Titanic and speed the ship up, even though there were reports of Icebergs on their route. Ismay wanted to showcase the speed of the ship by arriving ahead of time in New York.Rose notices that the ship is carrying only enough lifeboats for half the passengers on the ship. Andrews says that an extra row of lifeboats would make the ship look cluttered and hence he was overruled.
Jack and Rose develop a tentative friendship (and she learns that Jack is a professional painter who specializes in painting nudes), even though Cal and Ruth are wary of the young third-class man. Following the first-class dinner that night, Rose secretly joins Jack at a party in the ship's third-class quarter. They engage in some Irish tap dancing and Jack shows Rose a mighty good time, where she gets to enjoy a hearty laugh for the first time in her life.
Cal and Ruth forbid her to see Jack (Cal even hits Rose when she attempts to stand up for herself), and Rose attempts to rebuff Jack's continuing advances. She soon realizes, though, that she prefers him over Cal, and meets him at the bow of the ship during what turns out to be the Titanic's final moments of daylight.They then go to Rose's stateroom, where she asks Jack to sketch her while naked and wearing the Heart of the Ocean, Cal's engagement present to her. Afterward, the two evade Cal's bodyguard Spicer Lovejoy (David Warner) and make love inside a car in the ship's cargo hold.Going afterwards to the ship's forward well deck, they witness the ship's collision with an iceberg. Due to the calm seas, the iceberg was detected very late, and then it took long for the ship to change direction to avoid collision. As a result, instead of hitting the berg head on (which would have been better for survival), the ship grazes the berg on its starboard side, and punches holes across the hull. The first officer closes all the watertight doors that go up to Deck E.Jack and Rose overhear the ship's officers and designer outline its seriousness. Rose tells Jack that they should warn her mother and Cal.Andrews says that 5 compartments of the ship are punctured (which is one compartment more punctured than what the ship was designed to stay afloat), which means the ship will sink. The ship has 2 hours at the most according to Andrews. The ship has 2200 souls on board. The captain issues a distress call by the radio at their current coordinates. The nearest ship is 4 hours away.
Cal discovers Jack's drawing and a mocking note from Rose in his safe along with the necklace. Cal reports the diamond stolen. Furious, Cal has his bodyguard slip the necklace into Jack's coat pocket. Accused of stealing it, Jack is arrested, taken down to the Master-at-arms' office and handcuffed to a pipe. Cal puts the necklace in his coat. Rose runs away from Cal and her mother (who has boarded a lifeboat) and releases Jack. The ship then starts to launch flares in order to attract any nearby ships.The third-class passengers are not allowed on to the lifeboat decks and are locked below. Meanwhile, lifeboats are launched half empty with only first-class passengers.
Once Jack and Rose reach the deck, Cal and Jack persuade her to board another lifeboat, Cal claiming that he has arranged for himself and Jack to get off safely. After she boards, Cal tells Jack that the arrangement is only for himself. As Rose's boat lowers, she realizes that she cannot leave Jack, and jumps back on board the Titanic to reunite with him.Infuriated, Cal takes a pistol and chases them into the flooding first-class dining saloon. After exhausting his ammunition, Cal realizes to his chagrin that he gave his coat with the diamond to Rose. With the situation now dire, he returns to the boat deck and boards a lifeboat by pretending to look after a lost child.The engineers of the titanic are credited with keeping the lights on till the last possible moment. The musicians of the Titanic were a septet orchestra who performed chamber music in the first-class section aboard the ship. The group is noted for playing music, intending to calm the passengers for as long as they possibly could, during the ship's sinking.
Jack and Rose return to the top deck. All lifeboats have departed, and passengers are falling to their deaths as the stern rises out of the water. The ship breaks in half, and the stern side rises 90-degrees into the air. As it sinks, Jack and Rose ride the stern into the ocean. Jack helps Rose onto a wall panel only able to support one person's weight. Holding the panel's edge, he assures her she will die an old woman, warm in her bed. Meanwhile, Fifth Officer Harold Lowe has commandeered a lifeboat to search for survivors. He saves Rose but is unable to reach Jack before he dies from hypothermia.
Rose and the other survivors are taken by the RMS Carpathia to New York, where Rose gives her name as Rose Dawson. She hides from Cal on Carpathia's deck as he searches for her. She learns later that he committed suicide after losing his fortune in the Wall Street Crash of 1929.
Her story complete, Rose goes alone to the stern of Lovett's ship. There she takes out the Heart of the Ocean, which has been in her possession all along, and drops it into the ocean.While seemingly asleep in her bed, the photos on her dresser are a visual chronicle that she lived a free life inspired by Jack. The young Rose is then seen reuniting with Jack at the Grand Staircase of the RMS Titanic, applauded and congratulated by those who perished on the ship.