Laid back commitment-phobe Buck babysits his brother's rebellious teenage daughter and her cute younger brother and sister.
As an idle but good-natured commitment-phobe, Buck Russell is the last person you would think of to watch his brother Bob's three children. However, during a family crisis, he is suddenly left in charge of them. Unaccustomed to suburban life, he soon charms Miles and Maizy with his hefty cooking and his new way of doing the laundry. His carefree style does not impress everyone though - especially his rebellious teenage niece, Tia, and impatient girlfriend, Chanice. With a little bit of luck and a lot of love, he manages to surprise everyone in this heartwarming family comedy.—edward-fraraccio
Bob and Cindy Russell have a dilemma: Cindy's father, who lives far away, is sick and they need to go see him. However, who will look after their three children for the several days while they are away? Out of desperation they turn to someone whom they have grave reservations about in terms of his suitability for the job: Bob's good-natured but layabout brother, Buck.—grantss
Buck Russell has a reputation for being unreliable and a bit of a house wrecker. It is therefore with reluctance, his brother, Bob, and sister-in-law, Cindy, agrees to leave Buck looking after their three children (a rebellious teenager and two harmless youngsters) when they visits Cindy's sick father.—Rob Hartill
Buck Russell is not the most reliable and trustworthy person around. When his brother Bob and sister-in-law Cindy ask him as a last resort to babysit their three children, he agrees to fill in while they go to Indianapolis to visit Cindy's sick father. While at the house Buck does his usual routines; going bowling and smoking cigars. Yet the longer he's around little Miles and Maizy and the more he witnesses teenage Tia getting manipulated by her boyfriend, Bug, the more he learns responsibility and that there's more to life than just lazing about having fun.—commanderblue
In the Chicago suburbs, Tia, Miles and Maizy Russell return home after a day of school. With their parents Bob and Cindy at work, Tia is in charge of her younger brother and sister. Tia also resents her parents' absence and the family's recent move to Illinois from Indianapolis. At the same time, tensions arise between Bob's brother, Buck, and his girlfriend, Chanice when they discuss Buck's impending first day of work at Chanice's tire store. Buck assures her that he will be at work in the morning; however, that night, Bob receive a phone call from Cindy's aunt informing them that Cindy's father has suffered a heart attack. Bob and Cindy make arrangements to head back to Indianapolis while also attempting to find a suitable babysitter for the kids. Only after every friend and neighbor proves unavailable, Cindy reluctantly agrees to allow Buck to watch the children. Buck also agrees because it will get him out of working for Chanice, and when he reaches his brother's house, he assures Cindy that he will take great care of the kids. With a sitter in place, Bob and Cindy head to the airport as Buck settles in.
While Miles and Maizy take a liking to their uncle and his frank, fun-loving demeanor, Tia greets him with cold silence and is embarrassed when Buck drops her off at school. Buck spends the day wrestling with the washing machine and dealing with an eccentric neighbor, Marcy, who is unaware of Cindy and Bob's departure. That afternoon when Buck goes to pick her up, he discovers Tia and her boyfriend, Bug, kissing, who Buck takes an instant disliking to. Rather than allowing Tia to go out with Bug that night, Buck takes the whole family to a local bowling alley. He makes plans to bet on an upcoming horse race, hoping to win enough to allow him to lay off working the rest of the year. The following evening, Tia attends an outdoor party in the woods with Bug. Buck interrupts them, boasts of his skills with a hatchet, and grabs one from his trunk. He succeeds in scaring Bug but only strengthens Tia's resolve to stay with Bug. Buck's relationship with Chanice is further complicated when Tia tells Chanice, as an act of revenge, that Buck is cheating on her with next-door-neighbor, Marcy. Buck re-evaluates bachelorhood as he grows closer to the children and takes on domestic chores. While Buck washes laundry in the sink and dries it in the microwave, Marcy stops by and tries to get Buck to dance with her in the living room. Just then, Chanice discovers the couple, seemingly confirming Tia's accusations.
Buck gets drunk, that night, to drown his sorrows and looks forward to winning at the race track the next day. However, when it is time to depart for the track, Tia is nowhere to be found. When the children divulge that she has left for a weekend party with Bug, Buck, in a fit of desperation, realizes he has no one to babysit while he goes to the track. After agonizing about taking the kids with him, Buck decides he cannot put them in that position. Instead, he calls Chanice and asks her to put her feelings aside and watch the children while he looks for Tia. Buck combs the neighborhood until he finds the house where the party takes place. Breaking into an upstairs room with a drill, Buck discovers Bug on a bed with another girl. Soon after, driving the streets, Buck finds Tia walking home. When she realizes Buck knows what occurred, the two have a heart-to-heart talk and Buck reveals that he has Bug in the trunk of his car. After forcing Bug to apologize to Tia, Buck lets him go, but sets down a golf ball and hits Bug on the head as he runs into the woods with a five-iron drive. Back home, Tia confesses to Chanice that she lied about Buck's flirtation with Marcy. Buck and Chanice make up, and the next morning Bob and Cindy return home to a repentant Tia and an uncle who departs as a valued member of the family.