Five friends go onto a streamyards live stream panel like they usually do, however, there were meant to be Six of them, turns out one of them is dead and the killer is on the panel. Then things start to get terrifying.
Five friends go onto a streamyards live stream panel like they usually do, James, Malek, Ryan, Simon, and Jonas. All best friends since elementary school, The day goes on as usual until they start to realize that someone is missing. Clark, they then find out he's dead and the authorities don't think it's a murder even with the suspicious circumstances, but the group begins to wonder if the killer is one of them. Then the day gets stranger from there when disturbing things start to happen and they find disturbing things out - Then the day turns from a good day into a nightmare as they ponder about who killed Clark and why.—Dennis Edwards
A man who calls himself "Ben Otson" begins to record from his phone, talking about a cult named Pharism and how it's the one, true religion. After a few minutes he gets a phone call, he takes a shotgun out and shoots himself in the head, He turns the phone off as he dies.We cut to a group of friends named Ryan, Simon, James, Malek and his little brother Billy, and Jonas, they talk about normal things for a while before Ryan gets a letter in the mail about their other best friend Clark Reed, Clark was found with several gunshots and it is labeled as a suicide, the friends realize that it's not a suicide and that it's murder, they also find out that the cult of Pharism may be connected, then Jonas gets possessed and slits his wrists. Ryan calls the cops while Simon is in denial about what had happened, they then find footage of when Clark was murdered, Malek gets possessed and his little brother, Billy walks in the room, Malek is behind him with a knife before he stabs him to death while laughing, everybody else watches on in horror before Malek drags Billy out of the room and he's gone for a few minutes, Malek comes back with his throat slit and his eyes bleeding, he smashes his head into the phone and leaves. Somebody has broken into James' house and is trying to kill him, Simon's power goes out and Ryan begins to explore his home and plans an escape route. A person enters the streamyards claiming to be Clark, Ryan in fear for his friends' safety confesses to murdering Clark after Clark had been a part of the Pharism cult and has been threatening Ryan's family and friends.James then gets possessed and breaks his own neck, he dies a slow death and leaves the call. We only have Ryan, Clark, and Simon in the call, Simon seemingly dies and Ryan has a mental breakdown, everybody leaves the call but him, he's alone and in the kitchen, he smashes his window and severely cuts his hand. He then gets attacked by an invisible force before he's cornered outside on his back patio, the force pushes him off which contorts his body and blood begins to spew out of his mouth before he dies, the police arrive but leave quickly as heard on the call, Clark possesses Ryan and gets up, throwing the phone and entering the house.
Clark washes the face of blood before going out and getting a screwdriver, Clark notices the family cat, he slowly walks up to the cat and begins to stab it to death while it screams, he then washes his face again and finds the gun Ryan used to kill him with, we see brief flashes of Ryan watching Clark kill his animals, Clark goes upstairs and begins shooting all of Ryan's birds and dogs, Clark then goes to Ryan's room and sleeps, then in the morning. Clark types something on discord before leaving the house, we hear a dog barking and Clark begins to get closer to it, we zoom into Ryan's dead body eye as we see Ryan's personal hell with strobe lights in a distorted hellish version of his house, his dead friends telling him to run in distorted, reversed voices to which he does with no avail. Clark begins to chase Ryan before he eventually catches up to him, Clark does a ritual involving a parasite entering Ryan's eye, we leave this hell to see Clark walking in Ryan's body. The film cuts to black and we see Simon's own personal hell, he runs towards the camera and says "Pharism." The film ends here.