Influenced by Ida, the girl he likes, high-schooler Thorvald campaigns to change his school's mascot, the Viking, to something less offensive to the Scandinavian community. It's a love story.
Thorvald's a typical high-school kid finding his way, and he's pretty impressed with his classmate Ida, who seems to have already found hers. Taking a cue from Ida's energetic campaign to ban a competing school's football team, the Redskins, until they change their oppressive name, Thorvald initiates an effort to change their own school's mascot, the Viking, to something less offensive to Scandinavians. He enlists the assistance of an elusive community organizer, a mischievously alert neighborhood kid and, of course, Ida--against the resistance of his parents, his classmates, and pretty much everyone else in town, including Ida's giant boyfriend T-Bone, the captain of the Vikings football team. It's a bumpy path, and Thorvald and Ida grow closer trying to sort it all out.