Pete and Myka, U.S Secret Service agents, are deployed in South Dakota's Warehouse 13 with a new assignment from an authority above and outside the government.
After saving the life of the President in Washington D.C., a pair of U.S Secret Service agents are whisked away to a covert location in South Dakota that houses supernatural objects that the Regents, an Authority above and outside any government, have collected over the centuries. Their new assignment: retrieve lost objects called "Artifacts", seemingly harmless items that can possess immense power, and investigate reports of new ones.
After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 -- a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government. The Warehouse's caretaker Artie charges Pete and Myka with chasing down reports of supernatural and paranormal activity in search of new objects to cache at the Warehouse, as well as helping him to control the warehouse, itself. Rounding out the team is technology specialist Claudia and former ATF Steve Jinks.—ahmetkozan
2 agents are transferred to an isolated warehouse 13 in South Dakota. Intuitive Pete and "eye for detail" Myka collect supernatural/magical artifacts around USA for storage at #13 while Artie helps them from #13 and finds new "collectibles".—Scott Filtenborg
At the end of the Indiana Jones movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Ark is boxed up, given a number, and stored in an immense warehouse.
That warehouse is the premise for Warehouse 13. In the middle of Nowhere, USA, is the entrance to Warehouse 13. Half-buried in the side of a hill, it's much larger inside than the outside. Administered by Artie Nielson (Saul Rubinek) (as advised by a secretive Board of Regents), and aided by his agents, Pete and Myka (Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly), Artie collects, defuses, and archives objects with occult and extra-scientific powers. The goal is to remove these objects from places where mere mortals might encounter them and be harmed by them.
After several adventures retrieving strange objects, our agents start to discover more things about Artie, the owner of the boarding house where they're staying, and the mysterious Mrs. Irene Frederick (CCH Pounder), who represents the Board of Regents.
Strange visitors from other warehouses (there must be at least 13, no?), outside interests who know too much about the warehouse network, and friends and hangers-on add to the complications.
The series is a mix of science, occult, adventure, and surprising revelations.