Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.—Anonymous
The documentary hints at who may have been responsible for the car bomb that nearly killed two members of Earth First. in 1990 but does not definitively identify the culprits. The FBI attempted to pin the blame on the activists themselves, leading to a $4.4 million settlement for false accusations. However, the case has remained unresolved since May, 1990, giving rise to suspicions of a conspiracy. The documentary provides previously undisclosed information about the case. Nonetheless, the majority of the documentary consists of footage captured by activists at various events. Much of this footage has already been featured in previous documentaries about the Earth First. movement, Redwood Summer, and similar topics. Some clips are sourced from TV shows and edited to form a cohesive narrative, but the overall style remains true to its do-it-yourself (DIY) origins.—Hayduke