A unit of green Afrikaner army reservists must take on a dangerous gang of psychopaths straight out of Mad Max and hook up with some pretty girls along the way.
This movie is a sequel to 'Boetie Gaan Border Toe'. Unlike the earlier movie, this is more slapstick and hijinks based, like 'M*A*S*H'. When we catch up with Boetie, he has done his National Service and is now in the reserves. Boetie's girlfriend Elize (Janie DuPlessis), who is now a journalist, has just broken up with him. To try to get her back, he bribes the right people to ensure she is assigned to report on the upcoming maneuvers. He hopes to impress her and win her back. However his captain has assigned his unit to perform labor duties instead. Not only that, but the captain is Elize's new boyfriend! But all is not lost! A gang of violent criminals disrupt the maneuvers and takes a hostage. Boetie and his men must rescue the hostage and stop the criminals.