10 Most Corrupt Us Presidents
The United States might not be the most corrupt country in the world but like every other country in the world, it does have its share of corrupt leaders. Speaking of corrupt leaders, some people may say that Donald Trump was the most corrupt President in US history while others would say that rank goes to Joe Biden or even Well, in some ways they may be right because each of these American Presidents was corrupt. Take Donald Trump for instance, who used his position to enrich himself and his family, filled his administration with former industry lobbyists, and sought to prevent an investigation into his shady business practices. That's corruption, right? However, regardless of whatever Trump, Biden, or Obama committed while in office, some past US presidents would certainly give them a run for their money. So, who were the most corrupt Presidents in US history? Some of the answers won't surprise you at all but others would be pretty shocking. So brace yourself as we show you 10 of the most corrupt US Presidents in history beginning with number ten.