RichPlanet TV

Summary Independent researcher Richard D. Hall investigates all manner of topics, from the U.S space programme and manufactured terrorism to UFO sightings and unsolved crimes. View more details

RichPlanet TV

Directed : Unknown

Written : Unknown

Stars : Richard D. Hall Andrew Johnson Nick Kollerstrom Neil Sanders



Genres : History Documentary News Talk-Show

Release date : Apr 5, 2010

Countries of origin : United Kingdom

Language : English

Summary Independent researcher Richard D. Hall investigates all manner of topics, from the U.S space programme and manufactured terrorism to UFO sightings and unsolved crimes. View more details


Genres : History Documentary News Talk-Show

Release date : Apr 5, 2010

Countries of origin : United Kingdom

Language : English

Apr 05, 2010
20 Years of British Ufology
David Cayton shares some of his vast knowledge of ufology.
Apr 06, 2010
Ancient History & The Ark of the Covenant
Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett have developed their own methods of finding new historical truths. Rather than refer to other historians' books, they work more like detectives looking at ancient maps, place names, church records, etc. In 1990, they discovered what they believe to be the burial place of King Arthur. Their find is made convincing due to the electrum cross (79% silver) which they discovered there with the inscription, "Spirit of Arthur". They also believe they have pin pointed the exact location of the most important religious object in the world - the Ark of the Covenant.
Apr 13, 2010
Secret Knowledge and the Central Banking Scam
Mark Cocking used to be a banker, but gave it all up when he became disillusioned with the system. He believes that the whole economic system of money generation is corrupt. The issuers of the currency (central banks) are ruling our governments by controlling the issuance of currency as debt. The system could easily be changed by simply removing central banks and allowing governments to issue the currency themselves. This is the scam the mainstream media will not discuss. Mark also talks about secret knowledge and the law of octaves. This knowledge was handed down through secret societies and allegedly explains what underpins our very being.
Apr 20, 2010
UK Military Bases and Intelligence Agencies
Military bases researcher, Alan Turnbull, a website which has a vast collection of information on UK military bases and establishments. Alan has had various items published in national newspapers about revelations concerning intelligence agency "scandals". He is an expert in aerial mapping and his website contains thousands of aerial photos of military bases.
Apr 27, 2015
Patsy Driver - The Cumbria Shootings
In June 2010, Cumbria suffered one of the worst criminal acts involving firearms in British history. Twelve people were killed and eleven injured at 24 shooting locations. The mainstream media rushed to Whitehaven on the same day and had the entire case all wrapped up before the sun had set. They named the perpetrator as Derrick Bird, who they said was responsible for the entire massacre, and it didn't take them long to explain his numerous motives. This case immediately suggested to Richard that there was much more to these shootings than had been discovered. In December 2013, he started his own investigation, and has spoken to dozens of firsthand witnesses. His search for the truth demonstrates major anomalies in the evidence, which suggests there could be an entirely different motive for what happened that day.
May 31, 2015
2015 UK Tour: Part 1 - Subversion in the UK
Uncovering more of the hidden agenda which seems to be tightening its grip on society, two new films were launched on this tour. The first is an independent investigation into the Cumbria shootings, and uncovers new evidence pointing to an entirely different scenario and motive than was arrived at by the official inquest. The second is a further expose of the Madeleine McCann case. It seems mainstream media have created an Achilles heel with the "Madeleine" issue, due to their blatantly censored coverage of the story. We also look at more subtle and long-term agendas of social engineering being played out in the media. Richard makes observations within popular culture, television, politics, law and education and compares what is going on in the UK today with subversion and demoralisation techniques practiced in the 1960s by the Soviet Union on foreign nations.
Aug 31, 2015
RichPlanet Update September 2015
After a few months off from programme-making, Richard provides an update on upcoming RichPlanet activities, starting with an announcement of a new Madeleine McCann film which is currently in production. The reason these films are being produced is primarily to expose mainstream media to as many people as possible. On an entirely different note, a meeting was held in Birmingham recently with members of the newly formed "RichPlanet Energy Research Project". Ten engineers discussed many aspects of alleged "free energy" technology. Richard is currently undertaking various investigations, some of which will be discussed in his up coming lecture at the UFO Truth Magazine Conference in Holmfirth - including the disappearance of 900 in Lincolnshire. Also, a viewer has twice been 'stung' by a mysterious object, plus Dr Nick Kollerstrom shows Richard around his old university.
Nov 02, 2015
Carl James on Stanley Kubrick
In previous shows, Richard has discussed the moon landings and the many problems with the official story. In this week's show, he looks in a bit more depth at the person who is often cited as being the film director of the hoaxed moon landings. Carl James has found out a considerable amount about Stanley Kubrick and reveals many pieces of circumstantial evidence which seem to point to Kubrick's possible involvement. This is a subject which mainstream media never represents correctly, and even uses shills in attempts to ridicule moon hoax researchers whose best evidence is usually ignored. Carl James is the author of "Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda", which examines the role of science fiction in the shaping of public perception.
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