Summary Chang An encourages her to remain true to herself and not become like Cha Luo. When Ruan Niang begs her to let him go, they sadly agree that they must follow their paths separately; he plans to leave Guihua City and Wan Mei goes on a new mission with Gong Zi.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Chuxiao Qu Yitong Li Hsueh-Fu Kuo Duo Wang
Genres : Action Fantasy Romance
Countries of origin : China
Language : Chinese
Filming locations : Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China
Production companies : Youku Moon Blossom
Summary Chang An encourages her to remain true to herself and not become like Cha Luo. When Ruan Niang begs her to let him go, they sadly agree that they must follow their paths separately; he plans to leave Guihua City and Wan Mei goes on a new mission with Gong Zi.
Genres : Action Fantasy Romance
Countries of origin : China
Language : Chinese
Filming locations : Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China
Production companies : Youku Moon Blossom