Summary Gong Zi attends the funeral of the man he hated and killed. Chang An has left the city to gather an army and become a king. Wan Mei finds new support in people who want her to defeat Cha Luo and take her place.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Chuxiao Qu Yitong Li Hsueh-Fu Kuo Duo Wang
Genres : Action Fantasy Romance
Countries of origin : China
Language : Chinese
Filming locations : Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China
Production companies : Youku Moon Blossom
Summary Gong Zi attends the funeral of the man he hated and killed. Chang An has left the city to gather an army and become a king. Wan Mei finds new support in people who want her to defeat Cha Luo and take her place.
Genres : Action Fantasy Romance
Countries of origin : China
Language : Chinese
Filming locations : Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China
Production companies : Youku Moon Blossom