Summary Binghamton angers the local Italians, after forbidding their fraternization with Naval personnel, but must quickly make amends with them, in order to please a certain VIP, due soon, for a visit. So, he reluctantly allows McHale and the townsfolk to throw a big wedding bash for a young Italian woman, and her fiancée - A soldier in the Italian Army.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Ernest Borgnine Tim Conway Joe Flynn Carl Ballantine
Genres : Comedy War
Release date : Sep 27, 1965
Countries of origin : United States
Official sites :
Language : English
Filming locations : Park Lake, Backlot, Universal Studios - 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, California, USA
Production companies : Sto-Rev-Co Productions
Summary Binghamton angers the local Italians, after forbidding their fraternization with Naval personnel, but must quickly make amends with them, in order to please a certain VIP, due soon, for a visit. So, he reluctantly allows McHale and the townsfolk to throw a big wedding bash for a young Italian woman, and her fiancée - A soldier in the Italian Army.
Genres : Comedy War
Release date : Sep 27, 1965
Countries of origin : United States
Official sites :
Language : English
Filming locations : Park Lake, Backlot, Universal Studios - 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, California, USA
Production companies : Sto-Rev-Co Productions