Summary The Supermarket: Bernard is delighted with all the bargains he has bought. Now the only problem is how to get them all home. The Mosquito: Bernard feels very tired and wants to sleep for hours .... but there's a mosquito about with other ideas. He just has to get rid of that mosquito. Oasis: In the middle of the desert Bernard stumbles across an oasis. The palm trees look real enough, and that cool water is just too tempting. The Treasure: A map may lead you to the hidden treasure, but does not always tell you about the hidden dangers ... Even Indiana Jones would have had trouble here. The Window Cleaner: Bernard is cleaning the windows of a skyscraper, when he disturbs two birds trying to protect their fledgling.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Max Normica Ken-Sheun Nai
Genres : Comedy Animation Family
Release date : Oct 15, 2007
Countries of origin : France Spain South Korea
Official sites : Official site
Language : None
Production companies : M6 BRB Internacional S.A. Educational Broadcasting System (EBS)
Summary The Supermarket: Bernard is delighted with all the bargains he has bought. Now the only problem is how to get them all home. The Mosquito: Bernard feels very tired and wants to sleep for hours .... but there's a mosquito about with other ideas. He just has to get rid of that mosquito. Oasis: In the middle of the desert Bernard stumbles across an oasis. The palm trees look real enough, and that cool water is just too tempting. The Treasure: A map may lead you to the hidden treasure, but does not always tell you about the hidden dangers ... Even Indiana Jones would have had trouble here. The Window Cleaner: Bernard is cleaning the windows of a skyscraper, when he disturbs two birds trying to protect their fledgling.
Genres : Comedy Animation Family
Release date : Oct 15, 2007
Countries of origin : France Spain South Korea
Official sites : Official site
Language : None
Production companies : M6 BRB Internacional S.A. Educational Broadcasting System (EBS)