Summary After reuniting with Joel at a funeral, Sam takes stock of herself and her actions - and decides to make things right with her friend. Then, everyone comes together for a celebration of love and partnership at Fred and Susan's wedding.
Directed : Unknown
Written : Unknown
Stars : Mary Catherine Garrison Jeff Hiller Bridget Everett Murray Hill
Genres : Comedy Drama
Release date : May 27, 2023
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Filming locations : Lockport, Illinois, USA
Production companies : Duplass Brothers Productions The Mighty Mint
Summary After reuniting with Joel at a funeral, Sam takes stock of herself and her actions - and decides to make things right with her friend. Then, everyone comes together for a celebration of love and partnership at Fred and Susan's wedding.
Genres : Comedy Drama
Release date : May 27, 2023
Countries of origin : United States
Language : English
Filming locations : Lockport, Illinois, USA
Production companies : Duplass Brothers Productions The Mighty Mint