
Summary When factory hand Denny Mullins, formerly a union representative, is murdered at work shortly after clocking on, detectives learn from fellow workers that the man who replaced him as union delegate had a reason for wanting him out of the way. Complicating matters is Denny's brother Ray, who has a dubious interest in Denny's wife Jude.

S8.E6 ∙ Denny

Directed : Unknown

Written : Unknown

Stars : Leonard Teale George Mallaby John Fegan Alwyn Kurts



Genres : Action Crime Drama

Release date : Feb 22, 1971

Countries of origin : Australia

Language : English

Filming locations : 336-376 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Production companies : Crawford Productions 7 Network

Summary When factory hand Denny Mullins, formerly a union representative, is murdered at work shortly after clocking on, detectives learn from fellow workers that the man who replaced him as union delegate had a reason for wanting him out of the way. Complicating matters is Denny's brother Ray, who has a dubious interest in Denny's wife Jude.


Genres : Action Crime Drama

Release date : Feb 22, 1971

Countries of origin : Australia

Language : English

Filming locations : 336-376 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Production companies : Crawford Productions 7 Network

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