Episode list

7th Heaven

Anything You Want
The premiere episode introduces Eric Camden, who's a minister, a father of five, happily married, and a soon-to-be dog owner. His wife, Annie Camden is a stay-at-home mom raising their children. Matt Camden is the oldest child who has picked up a habit of smoking and not being able to keep a job. Mary Camden is the oldest daughter who likes to play basketball a lot and is having a craving for wanting to kiss a boy. Lucy Camden is the middle child and is hoping to become a woman and getting her period very soon. Simon Camden is the youngest son and is hoping to get a dog very soon, even though his parents already told him that he's too young. Ruthie Camden is the youngest child and is a happy and adorable five-year-old. Also, Annie learns some devastating news when her parents come for a visit.
7.2 /10
Family Secrets

Sun, Sep 22, 1996
Matt shocks his family when he reveals his secret--that he is very close friends with a teenage pregnant girl, Renee. Right away Matt tells them that he is not the father of her baby, but just trying to help her out. Meanwhile, Mary is keeping her new boyfriend a secret from Matt. Lucy gets a surprise with her secret crush on classmate Jimmy Moon. Also, Eric gets a surprise of his own when he discovers his shoes keep on disappearing while Matt's friend Renee finds some help from an unusual ally--Eric. Annie finally reveals the shocking truth to Matt about his grandmother.
6.8 /10
In the Blink of an Eye
Annie continues to suffer through her mother's recent diagnosis. Annie then decides to go to Arizona to visit her parents and see what is going on with them. Meanwhile, Eric volunteers for a charity work, but he's unable to do it at the last minute. Matt then volunteers to do it, but his dating habits get him into trouble with the organization he is doing charity for. Also, Mary decides to call it a quits with Jeff while Lucy has her first real date with her classmate Jimmy Moon. Lastly, when Annie returns home with her parents, they decide to stay with her and the rest of the family so that they could spend some more time with them--which unfortunately will be the last for Annie's mom, Jenny.
7 /10
No Funerals and a Wedding
Following her mother's funeral, Annie's sunny demeanor turns to sadness, particularly after her father abruptly leaves to go back home to Arizona. Eric tries to counsel a young couple whose marital problems escalate during the post-funeral reception at the Camden home. Matt helps with the delivery of Renee's baby and after Mary breaks up with Jeff, she discovers she was better off with him. Lastly, Simon tries to find the exact location of heaven.
6.7 /10
The Color of God
When the Camden family learns that their friend's church was burned down by a racist group, they invite the Hamiltons to stay at their home. Meanwhile, Simon has his own problems when defending his friend Nigel after a racist comment is made to him on the playground. Matt, Mary, and Lucy have a hard time while trying to develop a good relationship with the older Hamilton children, Keesha and John. Eric and Annie do their best to help Morgan and his wife, Patricia, get through their marital problems while Ruthie and Lynn are having fun as five-year-olds.
6.8 /10

Sun, Oct 27, 1996
With Halloween just around the corner, Lucy attempts to learn the truth about "The Mutant" Mike--a mysterious recluse who's been accused of murder. Meanwhile, Simon prepares for the "Annual Pumpkin-Carving Contest" at the church and badly wants to be in first place. Mary schemes to have the house all to herself when tricking all of her friends and family as to where she is going to be. While the family prepares for the church's Annual Halloween Carnival chaired by Annie, Eric has a bad attitude toward the whole holiday and discovers the real reason behind his hatred of Halloween while remembering a dramatic experience he had as an 11-year-old boy.
7 /10

Sun, Nov 03, 1996
After Mary unexpectedly un-invites her family to watch her play basketball at an important game, the Camdens begin to make other plans for themselves. Lucy is angry with Mary because she invited Ashley--a popular girl in Lucy's school, to her game. Simon, Ruthie, and Happy get lost in town while pretending to be spies and following their mailman all over town. Lucy was supposed to to be babysitting them, but was instead entertaining herself and Ashley by talking on the phone with her boyfriend Jimmy Moon. Eric is faced with counseling a young boy who is once again back on his drug habit that is affecting his family.
6.7 /10
What Will People Say?
The Camden kids think that their dad is having an extramarital affair when they catch him escorting a woman to a hotel alone. Annie struggles to give Eric the benefit of the doubt about his confidential church business even as all of Glen Oak buzzes with this gossip. Meanwhile, Simon endures his classmates' wrath when they discover his secret crush; he tries to con his way of out of going to school, but learns from his family that embarrassment will be drawn away from him and onto someone else soon. Matt tries to keep things moving slowly between Mary and her new boyfriend.
7.1 /10
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Simon rightly fears he'll catch roommate Ruthie's chicken-pox, but his enterprising hygienic measures fail to prevent contagion from her, or from Happy's fleas. When a robber carjacks them, Annie seems calm and hands their valuables, so Matt feels 'unmanly' and guilty. However, Anne breaks down at an identification lineup. Jimmy Moon stands against Lucy in the school elections, then turns to her parents for help. The church organist veers bizarrely from brilliance to disharmony.
7.1 /10
Last Call for Aunt Julie
Matt, Mary, and Lucy make plans to get away from the family for Thanksgiving, but when Eric's sister Julie comes to spend the holidays with them, plans are changed. After the family finds out about Julie's dangerous secret--her drinking problem--everyone decides it would be better to stay home. Eric decides to help his little sister overcome her problem at home rather than seek professional help--whether she wants it or not. Annie is not comfortable with the situation and is only concerned that the children stay safe after an unfortunate altercation between Julie and Simon.
7 /10
Now You See Me

Sun, Dec 15, 1996
The Camdens become suspicious when Matt's new girlfriend, Tia, wants to spend more time with the family rather than being alone with Matt. Lucy enlists the help of Matt to overcome her clumsiness in order to try out for the cheerleading squad. Annie yearns for more romance in her marriage with Eric as she has become bored with the every-day routines. Simon tries to make himself invisible and tries to convince the whole family that he can be invisible.
7.4 /10
With a Little Help from My Friends
Happy is about to have puppies, and Simon takes his 'paternal' role extremely seriously, scolding his heartlessly irresponsible elders who don't even bother to volunteer relevant information. equally well-meaning Matt is suckered into lies at home and even to ditch school to help lush crone Bing, who claims she dares not invoke professional help fearing to be dragged to a home. Handiman Steve Cunningham, who lost job and home due to the economic slump, refuses help even for his family, but accepts to help out Bing. Jimmy Moon prepared a birthday surprise for Lucy, helped by his friend Dwight Jefferson, but she turns down everything when denied hosting a party.
6.7 /10
America's Most Wanted
Mary tries to impress her basketball team by stealing a glass from their teen hangout "The Varsity", which is a school ritual. A misunderstanding occurs which winds up with Matt being arrested for stealing the glass. Lucy cheats on a school paper by taking one of Mary's old papers and putting her name on it. Ruthie asks Simon about help when she overhears her father talking about how it bothers him when people in America don't know the National Anthem.
6.9 /10
Seven Is Enough
All three Camden generations dread the annual visit of Eric's parents, "The Colonel" (John Camden) and Grandma Ruth Camden. The tension between father and son is heightened when both Eric and "The Colonel" want to adopt a homeless and orphaned nine-year-old boy, George. Annie discovers the fate of her lost wedding rings when seeing them on a woman at the store.
6.5 /10
Happy's Valentine
While both couples, Annie and Eric, Patricia and Morgan Hamilton, spend a romantic Valentine's Day camping, Matt is left in charge of the rest of the family and allows chaos to rein in the Camden household. His preoccupation with his date and Mary's party allows the dog, Happy. to slip out of the house in search of her puppies. When a car hits Happy, the family holds a vigil, aided by a caring veterinarian. Simon blames Matt for the accident. Lucy is enjoying her first Valentine's Day with her boyfriend Jimmy Moon.
7 /10
Brave New World
The school bully experiences a severe lapse in judgment when he tries to sexually harass Mary.
6.8 /10

Sun, Apr 13, 1997
Eric's former associate preacher Tom Harrison arrives unannounced, accepts to stay with the Camdens but is told the church can't afford an assistant. Simon hears raising pets can earn well, but is suckered into buying a pair of ferrets, illegal in the state, and fails to keep them in check, failing proper instructions from the dodgy vendor. Mary stupidly befriends party-animal Camille, a new schoolmate, who shoplifts a dress for her and convinces her to sneak out to a frat party. Lucy, who took Tom's cue to compare religions before joining her father's confirmation course, covers for 'big' sister and Matt must come rescue her. Eric's suspicions about Tom are disproved spectacularly.
7.1 /10
Faith, Hope and the Bottom Line
Simon is eager to resume the baseball season, but not to get the mandatory tetanus-shot, but also a master at scaring needle-phobic Matt who has to accompany him and could fake it. Jimmy Moon needs some tutoring, so Lucy gets Mary to do it, but son regrets it, fearing big sister is falling for her boy-friend. Eric wants the parish to hire fraud-convicted Ron Kramer, an organist to the choirmaster's taste. Lou Dalton's vestry considers that as imprudent as having no security system in church and recruits Annie to be treasurer and draft a budget before the matter is settled, even threatening to fire Eric.
6.6 /10
It's About George...
A visit from Eric's parents, strict Marines colonel John and his equally military wife, strikes controlled terror among the grandkids, and even Jimmy Moon, who initially discarded Matt's accurate imitation of the usual boyfriend-grilling. They come to present George, the charming, manly boy they adopted from an orphanage. But Eric discovers detective Will Grayson, whose death was faked in a witness protection program, is back in Glenoak after the crime king's death in prison. He claims his son, none other than George, back, as remains his legal right. After a fugue attempt from George, a creative compromise is devised. Matt meanwhile discovers aunt Julie is on the verge of an alcohol relapse.
6.7 /10
Say Good-Bye

Sun, May 04, 1997
Matt becomes uncomfortable when Annie's friend makes a pass at him; Mary makes her singing debut; Lucy loses her best friend.
7.4 /10
Dangerous Liaisons: Part 1
Playing in the park with cute little Billie, handsome student Wilson West meets Mary and both get butterflies. Wilson's impeccable charm, doctor-pa and record pass even Eric's paranoid muster, but on Sunday he divulges that Billie is not kid brother but his own son. At the airport to pick up maternal grandpa Charles Jackson, Matt is smitten at first sight on a girl he later traces and learns is deaf Heather Cain. They date, but she flees the party after some youths make fun of her sign-language. Eric and the kids welcome grandpa's new 'significant friend' Ginger, but Annie irrationally rages against any suggestion a successor for her ma could be less then diabolic.
7.3 /10
Dangerous Liaisons: Part 2
Wilson West tells Eric that Billy is his son, unplanned but not unwanted, whose teenage mother died giving birth to the angel, which his parents help him raise. Dating privileges are maintained 'for observation'. Michael Towner bravely owes up being the one who accidentally hit Mary when she dashed after Annie, who realizes she's the guilty one but only tells off Matt's overprotective vindictiveness. Sign language in a deaf-run restaurant helps Matt patch up with Heather. Jimmy Moon dumps Lucy on account of her endless hair wining. Charles Jackson nearly lost hope Annie would turn round and Ginger imposed 'a break', but both women come to their senses after some surprising 'counseling' and fibs. Mary is released home, but recovery up to basketball level is far from certain.
7.2 /10
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